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"Saving Souls from Buy and Hold" for about fifteen years now. -- Rev Shark
In general, your target is not to beat the market. It is to beat zero. As I have written for years, the investors who win in this market are the ones who take the least damage.
-- John Mauldin
Chartz And Table Zup @
Ninety seven per -
Down And Locked In A Struggle To The Bitter End With A Virus Since Late Last Week.
The four most dangerous words in investing are, "This time it's different."
-- Sir John Templeton
No Chartz Or Tablez Until Next Sat.
Haven't had the energy to do much besides sleep and be sick. Still, I went to 16% stock/84% bonds/GIC Friday.
Another Year, Another Chance To Shine. Yee Hah!!!
Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we can learn to dance on a shifting carpet.
-- Thomas Crum
Chartz and Table Zup @ www,
Stay tuned.... prolly gonna sell some stock funds to buy some bond funds.....
h -
Yes.... I'm back. Between the holidays and family and work and fun and just plain goofing off and getting my daily adult requirement of sitting and staring, I've blown away two/three weeks of time. Back inna traces agin, par'ner.
When you�re wounded and left on Afghanistan�s plains,
And the women come out to cut up what remains,
Just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains,
And go to your God like a soldier.
Excerpt From
The Young British Soldier
By Rudyard Kipling
"Saving Souls from Buy and Hold" for about fifteen years now. -- Rev Shark
- 2009
- 2008
- 2007
- 2006