Statistics - General

524 entries using 280,571 words stored in 1,773,097 bytes.
0 comments using 0 words stored in 0 bytes.
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1 static pages using 2,237 words stored in 12,468 bytes.
580,737 votes stored in 11,470 bytes.

10 Most rated entries

Jes' Another Brokedown Retahrd Ol' Pipefitter..... (4.00).
I Listened To An Ex Senator Alan Simpson Interview On The Bi Partisan Deficit Report....Horrifying...I Think It Is Fixable. I'm Not Sure It Will Be.... (3.55).
if you don't find it out here, ya ain't gonna find it out. (3.16).
Wasn't Gonna. Now I Hafta... (3.14).
A Raging Inferno of Coruscating Incandesence. Fire And Flames Triumphant; A Crimson Wing Of Doom, O'er Shadowing And Searing Filleted Raw Flesh... It's BBQ And Grilling Season Here At The Homestead. Good Times Around Here. Not So Good Times At Times Square And On The Gulf Coast .... (3.12).
Good Digital Sound (Don' Gimme This "It Sounds Great!!! I Paid More Than $50 For My Computer's Speakers And I Don't Hear Any Problems!!!" Crap) Is Really Really Good... Until You Dig Out A Vinyl Record And Listen To It With A Good Moving Coil Cartridge. (3.11).
Gonna post midweek.... (3.10).
It's Tuesday after lunch sidereal time and I'm rubbin' my eyeball across some charts and tables when I had this thought..... (3.10).
Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan.... (3.09).

10 Most voted entries

10 Most trackbacked entries