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Never A Dull Moment.... Events In The World Take Their Own Course... Egyptian Tanks In Cairo Can't Clear This Year's Tiananmen Square, So They Send Jets and Copters?
"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security,"
-- John Allen Paulos
Chartz and Table Zup @ -
It Don't Look That Bad, Really .... It Sure Feels Bad, Though..... Could Feel Worse Tomorrow.
You can't trust anything the government says. Wait, I knew that already. Thanks for nothing, Julian Assange.
-- Paul Vigna
Chartz And Table Zup @
...Then You'll Never Hear Surf Music Again....
--Jimi Hen -
Startin' Third Week O' The Year.... I'm Busier Than A Long Tailed Cat Inna Rockin' Chair Factory Makin' Retirement Money Inna 401a While I Can And Prepping To Make The Moves To Keep It When It Gets Hard To Do So...
The only thing on the level on Wall Street is the water in the toilet bowl.
Bill Singer
Chartz And Table Zup @
The first is the only instrumental to be banned from Top 40 radio.
The second is 20 years later. Interestin' -
Coupla Things.... Guests For New Year's Dinner, And The 12/31 Data Has Not Posted For My 401a....Despite Being There @ My Brokers And Charting Service...AND The Dividend And Cap Gains Have Yet To Show Either.....
Despite all of the talk about Democratization of investing, Wall Street primarily serves only the very wealthiest Americans. And that is a shame.
-- Barry Ritholtz
No Chartz And Table Zup @ Kinda....See da header.... except not not... See Below.....
Never A Dull Moment.... Events In The World Take Their Own Course... Egyptian Tanks In Cairo Can't Clear This Year's Tiananmen Square, So They Send Jets and Copters?
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