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Well, wasn't today special. I've got a full plate tonight and I'm busier than a long tailed cat in a rocking chair factory. But I've had the time to set up the trade to go to 80% cash in the 401a at the close of the market tomorrow. I expect to check the market at lunch tomorrow -
WhatamIdoin' now? Well, that's a really good question, and thanks for the call.....
Charts and tables up. KandG won't let me into the site. I tried a coupla hours later and all is working now...
I've got a big family weekend goin' on but it's time to unleash some thoughts that need to be photons in the aether. So maybe later in the weekend, you'll read -
Nothin' to say....Know what I mean?
Charts and tables up. More to come
Another week, another battle. First, to minimize risk and second, maximize return.
"Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders."
-- Sloan Wilson
Charts and table up....
Another week, another battle. First, to minimize risk and second, to maximize -
Daba Dooba Daba Dooba Deeba Dooba Day... I dug up some J.Geils Live and spun it up last night.I remember when the Filmore Auditorium was open 6 days out of 7 and ran 2 shows a week.I figured to go more often the next year... There's a lot of fun music gone forever.
Charts and tables up. More to appear here this week. I bought a major brand name computer a week ago, my first since my original IBM in the early 80's, and am paying the price for not rolling my own. As it works itself out, I'll post here.
- January
- 2006