Friday, June 20, 2008, 11:08 PM
Charts and Table Zup!!!
There's only a some of the stock funds in the 401 I chose to track and I don't invest in them all and even then, only some of the time. Here's how those select funds are doing as of the last five weeks. I'm only in the B/P Fund for the absolute minimum and allergic to stocks in the 401a here and now. I overstayed my welcome in stocks (trying to pick up pennies in front of a steamroller) and gave back more than I'm comfortable with. That's the other side of playing for serious return. It's how much you keep that qualifies how much you make. Oh well. It's keep it mode in the 401a and playin' the dark side of the street in my trading account and IRA's.

Enuf said...
I'm big time (95%) CASH (GIC) in the 401a. I'm also cash and select long and hedged with leveraged shorts in my trading account and my and my wife's IRA's.
Make it when and where ya can with the emphasis on keepin' as much as ya can.
Pretty damn clear to me.
See ya at the hall, Bro and Sis.
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