It Don't Look That Bad, Really .... It Sure Feels Bad, Though..... Could Feel Worse Tomorrow.
Saturday, January 22, 2011, 04:15 PM
You can't trust anything the government says. Wait, I knew that already. Thanks for nothing, Julian Assange.
-- Paul Vigna
...Then You'll Never Hear Surf Music Again....
--Jimi Hendrix Re; Dick Dale's Critical Illness
Akshully, I Got My Deck Shoe Surfer Tennies and Short Sleeve Madras Shirtz On And Here's Some Surf Music To Go Wit' 'em.... ... re=related ... re=related ... re=related
Yeah That Is Who You Think It Is. And Chris Spedding Too...
I was unaware of the relationships between Dick Dale and Hendrix and Dick Dale, Leo Fender, and JBL.
Bloody Costly Days Continued...
So I'm All In Inna Two Most Aggressive Fundz Inna 401A.
And the post parabolic move/beginning of the earnings reports dollar losses in the account are a kick inna gonads. It brings home to me why so many of the guys I work and hang with are so comfortable with all their money in the GIC/Stable Value Fund. We've got 20-30 years inna trades and some coin inna 401a. We got the possibility of some serious upside moves in a few days or weeks time in the 401a account. But we also got the possibility of some breath taking moves down in a bad week. In the end, we gotta go with what lets us sleep at night. For some, that is the cash equivalent fund in the 401a and a regular coupla percent a year up in the account and no wild and crazy up days and stoopid bleeding from the eyeballs down days. Nothing wrong with recognizing that what you have in the 401a is a significant amount to you and worth being concerned about. Once you see daily or weekly balances bouncing around and gaining and losing you significantly more than you earn at work that week, you are obligated to make a choice about how to deal with it. Eliminating the possibility of losing what you got, making a very modest return and sleeping soundly is a totally acceptable choice. To deny that would be dumber than a box of rocks. Which I ain't.
But I see things differently than most other people. I still have a race bike and I think about track days and racing again. I'm kinda like into action and motion as a life style and a preferred mode of operation. It takes all kinds.... that's why choices exist. And I ain't alone... There are guys I've shown the what and how to who are playing the game the same as I am, for whatever their own reasons are.
I'm getting enough of a balance in the 401a where what was a few dollars move due to everyday ordinary market volatility is now some serious coin up and down. Gotta readjust my concepts here. If I see the huge upside days as part of the process and can work with them, I gotta be able to deal with the other side of the deal too.
So Check out the chartz.

Looks like a parabolic move up in a short time that paid off big time.
So I'm building my 401a like mad when the weather is good. Sometimes a Summer storm or the first few storms of the Fall soak everything, blow the tarps around and maybe fuck up something badly enough that it takes time and money to fix it. Ain't no big thing. It's the price of getting something done. At least it ain't noo big thing as long as I don't let it become a big thing. I gotta secure everything for the winter when the time comes and react in the case of an unexpected tornado on the horizon...

In the last week, I've lost in my 401a what would have been a totally unacceptable amount of money 15 years ago. Like say the first three years of contributions and investment gains. Or, looked at differently, I've gotten my nose tagged hard enough to remind me that bad things can happen and that the chart above says that bad things might be eminent. The uptrend is just barely intact, is extended and has been unrelenting and parabolic, and has been cruisin' for a bruisin'. The market might be starting to roll over hard after an explosive move up and there are a lot of people with profits to protect and the downtrend could get ferocious. I really haven't been hurt yet. My eyes are watering and there's a spot of blood on my sleeve, but here is not a lot of damage done. But I have been warned.
Staying long in the face of every reasonable appeal to prudence and caution has worked and worked well for the last 90 days. Nothing lasts forever... ... s-fck-you/ ... ork_times/ ... b-killers/ ... itol_hill/ ... kruptcies/ ... l-economy/ ... ork_times/ ... more-62383 ... al_estate/ ... -long-run/ ... ork_times/ ... doug-kass/ ... the-u-s-a/ ... tail-risk/ ... events-15/ ... recession/ ... ck-market/ ... more-62281 ... more-62271 ... wine-gold/
Stay tooned.
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