Potential War In The Mid East, Financial And Economic Collapse In Europe, Recession Looming In SA, India And China, Major Unemployment Issues In The US Long After What Passes As A Recovery Has Taken Place. Still It's A Beautiful Sunny Day Today And Father's Day Is Happening Today And Tomorrow. Grab The Good Times Even While You Sweat The Bad Times. Life Is A One Act Play. Enjoy All Of It.
I really don't want to hear about "values." It is meaningless to me if the price action doesn't confirm the fact that something is cheap and people recognize that fact. If a stock really is a good value, then it should start trading up. I don't care what the analysis might be. A stock is not a good value if it doesn't increase in price.
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com.
Speaking Of Grabbing Good Times While You Can... From Back Inna Day...
http://money.msn.com/investing/washingt ... spx?page=0
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