Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Retahr'd Ol' Pipefitter...... 

Humility, along with the ability of those who have been wrong to acknowledge their mistakes, are at all-time lows and, sadly, trending lower still. Ideology can apparently hold sway against reason, facts, and data for longer than I’d imagined.
-- Invictus

Miles to go. Tutu.
'Masa RCFP
Back Inna Day, We were All Cold Blooded... ... urn-2014-3 Tha'sjes 'na whayetizzzz..... Greezel.

I retired in September of 2013. I started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended since its inception in 1993. I had straightened out a coupla IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash and as an afterthought, applied the same evaluation to my 401 and found it and my defined benefit pension fund in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. In part, that story is on my website. Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I'm kept and am managing $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's where I have the money allocated, how I've done this year, and how Ive done since I started managing my 401 in 2003.

Here's an Interactive Performance Chart of the funds I have available to me in the 401 and how they've done since 9/1/13.

I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience. I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination compel based on what I read and some professional level subscription data.

Food fer thought... ... r-15-years

If Could Only Read And Act On One Post A Week...

Major Seriousness About 401's ... story.html

Ya Think????

Nothing is as it seems.... ... ght-2014-3


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