Europe sees it's problem as having borrowed way too much money and spending it on keeping the economy going and raising everyone's standard of living and burying themselves in debt. They see the solution as being to stop spending money that they don't have and to pay down the debt. The unintended result will be a slowing long term economic grind with lost jobs and misery. The bright side will be that the falling value of the Euro will make exports cheaper leading to the inevitable and eventual resolution of the problem.
The US sees it's problem as having borrowed way too much money and burying itself in debt. We see the solution as borrowing more money and spending it on keeping the economy going and maintaining everyone's standard of living so as to avoid a slowing economy and lost jobs. The unintended consequence will be that at some point, borrowing more money will raise the cost of the money making the problem even worse. Of course part of the solution is for Europe to spend money, borrowed money if necessary, on buying our goods so as to allow us to export our way out of the problem.
I also see the virtue of having my 401a in almost all cash and bonds for much of the near future. I see being able to make a dollar or two on stock market volatility at one time or another some time inna future. What I don't see a a short clear path to a healed economy, plenty of jobs, a new bull market and looking like a genius by buying and holding...