Short Sleeve Shirtz, White Belt, Polyester Pantz Pulled Half Way Up My Chest And Driving A Buick? If That's Retirement, Hell No I Ain't Ready!!!!! 

"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability."
-Henry Ford

Chartz And Table Zup @

Blue Deck Shoes, White Levi's And Madras Shirts, A Blue Sport Coat And A Pink Crustacean... ... xt_from=ML

Whither Goes European Banking?
Is There Yet Another Shoe To Drop In The Millipedian Financial Crisis? ... fts-bonds/ ... -dems.html ... -debt.html

Lookie Here! Bonds been up and stocks been down. I bin thinkin' that'll change seasonally and cyclically. So i moved some money around.... I'm thinking of these as rented positions and I'm running a cognitive and subjective trailing stop based on holidays and elections and the ebb and flow of the market. This is not without risk. Stay tooned.....

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