Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Ol' Broked Down Retahr'd Union Pipefitter...... and his 401 Plan. Post France ISIS Attack
Sunday, November 15, 2015, 05:45 PM
The most valuable assets in life are those that hold no monetary value. Health, friends and family…
-- Joe Terranova
Good Post ISIL/Paris Monday Morning Inna Markets Material From Dan. ... ovember-1/
Still 99% long stocks.....
I was going to start trading in 2001 and was sitting in cash. I witnessed the markets reaction to 9/11 starting with the disaster in downtown Manhattan and the closing of the American financial markets. Once they opened, a week later, it was Down Down Down every day for a week until the markets were totally washed out. Then they started to climb back. Coupla three four years later my wife and I were leaving for a ten day cruise one morning and I was busy with prep. Finally, totally ready, I sat down to wait for the ride and I opened up the computer mid East Coast afternoon. The horror of the Madrid Rail bombing was all over the monitor; I'd missed the first 4-5 hours of the market. I opened the trading account only to discover my account was up 10%.
But, that's how the world works; that was then and this is now. And I don't know what this now today is now like now. But I will. When Mondays now is over, I'll have it figured out .
I'll know what I'm going to do with the 401 Monday at noon.
Stay tooned...
What makes it hard to invest; being comfortable with your personal narrative...regardless of the real reality. ... elieve-it/
The local story can be negative; I live in the center of yet another $Bay$ $Area$ $boom$. But for an old retired guy, the city I loved as a kid is toast. It's gone. Friends and relatives who didn't get serious early and stay serious about retirement are bleeding from the eyeballs. Every negative in the above story is somewhat true in SF for people of my generation. And the future is less about the many and more about the few. I got kids and grandkids and I'm concerned. But I worked hard to become one of the few. And my 401 was a major part of that. So I'm 99% long today and will probably be the same tomorrow. The long term move is pretty much always for the better. Just because there are a lot of reasons to become a bitter, resentful, fearful, querulous old man does not make it right, fun, productive, or in any way enjoyable to me. Fuck it. Get over it and get it on. So I'm 99% long and staying that way this evening. That will change someday.. But the western world was at war with ISIL last Monday. This Monday is not different. I'm always at least a little cautious. Sometimes REAL cautious. Never fearful. Not as long as aggressive pays off.

Tuesday... ... o-be-good/

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