Goin' Old Skool 

Listen To The Market, Not The Noise That Surrounds It.
-- Robert Lang

Chartz And Table Zup.... @ www.joefacer.com

Aulde Skooole Musick....
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/the-nevil ... 20208video


http://uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/id ... 8?irpc=932
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/09/busin ... wanted=all

http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/03/ ... grams.html

http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/ ... H520120308

I've been listening to Dan Fitzpatrick on charts for a while. He deals in stocks, the 401 deals in mutual funds. But chartz are charts... I'm confident that some of the money I make I owe to listening to him.

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