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Weather Sure Is Strange.... Winter To Summer In Two Days.
"If things go wrong, don't go with them."
--Roger Babson
Chartz and Table Zup @
So much Talent, So much of a Tragedy...Jaco, one from the darker late days,two from when it was all about his present and the bright futu -
We're Not As Far Down As We Were In March, But It Feels A Lot Worse.... Kinda Like 84 Degrees F at 7:30 AM Feels Different Than 84 Degrees F At 3:30 PM. Feels Like Something Serious Is Onna Way.....
People only accept change when they are faced with necessity, and only recognize necessity when a crisis is upon them.
-- Jean Monnet
Chartz And Table Zup @
Back Inna Day, KSAN was tryin' to stay afloat post Hippie Apocalypse a -
After The Banks In Ireland And Finland Blew Themselves Up Through Too much Leverage And Speculation, The Governments Transferred The Losses To The Citizens. Then The Citizens Voted Themselves A New Government. Stay Tooned....
"The trick is to stop thinking of it as "your" money."
—IRS auditor
Chartz and Table Zup @ .........
'Cuz When All Is Said And Done, The Old Songs Bring Back the Old Days, And That's A Very Good Thing... -
tick, tick, tick...
"When the plane is going down and the oxygen masks have dropped and parts of the plane are peeling off as you plummet toward the earth, that’s not the time to pull out the little card in the seat in front of you and say, ‘Gee, where are the emergency exits?' Everybody should have an emerge
Weather Sure Is Strange.... Winter To Summer In Two Days.
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