My Folk Retired In The 80's. My Dad's Pension Had A Cost Of Living Adjustment. Their Savings Were Invested in CD's Paying 10+% And Rental Real Estate. They Did OK. My Pension Does Not Have a COL Adjustment, But I've Got A Plan...
For purposes of action, nothing is more useful than narrowness of thought combined with energy of will.
-- Henri Frederic Ameil
Charts and Table Zup On My Site!
This was the week that the world figured out that no game goes on forever and eventually ya gotta tear it down to get at the rot in the walls. Hang on... But CLICKIT first

Down 6% in bonds and 25% in the Washington Mutual Fund in 8 months and with more to go. That's just pathetic.
I'm just not totally clear why being defensive and "timing the market", which I do, is the wrong thing to do here. It's not like there was one correct moment to get defensive and that there will be only one correct moment to reinvest in the market. There was/is a certain slow motion aspect to this train crash. Ask the guy's who went to cash before/during/after I did.
Read this!!! ... pprentice/
But most especially THIS!!! ... 50118.html
And stay tooned 'cuz I might write something here about where my head is at for what comes next. And yeah, cash in the 401 and cash/short the market in IRA's and trading account is a really cool place to watch the crash from.UPDATED 7/7
Another Monday. The public gets excited over the weekend with all the "opportunities" of stocks getting cheaper and cheaper. The Pro's sell to the public at higher and higher prices, and then sell some more after the buyers have spent their money. Prices go down, the pro's cover and bank the spread. It looks like this...CLICKIT!!!!
CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash CASH cash
That's where I am....