There Was A Time When 50% Of America Disapproved Of Rock 'n Roll And Only 5% Listened To It. Now It's Elevator Music. Fifty Percent Of Post WWII Industrial Production Was In America. Then It Was G-3, G5, G7, Now It's G20. Twenty Nations That We Coordinate Our Monetary Policy Wit'. And Australia Raises Rates 1/4% And The US Goes, "Uh-Oh..." Things Change Over Time.. But Now The Changes Are Really Gonna Pick Up Speed... 

International diversification, which I recommend for the sheer thrill of losing money around the clock in all sorts of different countries for reasons you cannot articulate, inevitably involves currency risk.
-- Howard Simons

Chartz And Table Zup @

The Original Wild Willie ... index.html

A Replica Of The Car That Qualified For Top Fuel At The WinterNationals....

I got stuff to say about what I've done this week and what I'm gonna do next week w/ my 401a......

It'll start w/ this chart o' the dollar over the last six months.

It's value has dropped around 15% in 6 months. Things we buy overseas like oil and metals and finished goods cost more because the dollar is cheaper and buys less. Our stuff becomes cheaper for overseas buyers because their currency buys more. Profits in drachma and simoleons and shekels earned overseas by US companies get inflated when converted back to dollars because they can buy more dollars with the foreign currency than they could six months ago. That is part of the excellent return earned by the EuroPacific Fund recently. A cheaper dollar hurts at the cash register but it can help exporters big time and also investors in the 401a. Gonna have to think about that. And write about it here.

Wed Eve/Thurs.... ... es-to-lag/ ... /index.htm ... er-letter/ ... 2009102109 ... g4uV.mo1kw


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