Startin' Third Week O' The Year.... I'm Busier Than A Long Tailed Cat Inna Rockin' Chair Factory Makin' Retirement Money Inna 401a While I Can And Prepping To Make The Moves To Keep It When It Gets Hard To Do So...
Saturday, January 15, 2011, 04:11 PM
The only thing on the level on Wall Street is the water in the toilet bowl.
Bill Singer
The first is the only instrumental to be banned from Top 40 radio.
The second is 20 years later. Interestin' story. I've got a copy of a live radio broadcast from a recording studio in the 70's in the Bay Area. Nice clean recording of about an hours music. Fabulous Rockabilly... ... re=related ... re=related
I bailed outa stocks inna 401a two Fridays ago cuz I'm looking for a correction and it sure looked like the start of one. I kept IRA and trading accounts in stocks ona counta cuz o' diversification and greater flexibility in those accounts. False alarm. I was 99% back in stocks inna 401a by last Thursday. I'm now exposed to losses and penalties because of the a rapid trading rules if I bail out again in the next month, but oh well, there is a cost to everything. In this case I have to look at the cost of selling in front of or in the early part of a correction vs the possible cost of holding on deeper into a correction or all the way through one... I figure taking the occasional small hit is the cost of doing business. Taking the big hit going all deer inna headlights is not doing business...
Stocks Go Up On The Escalator. They Go Down By Way Of The Elevator Shaft.
At some point I will sell big time again. I'd rather it happens after rapid trading restrictions no longer apply. If the markets stay up for more than a month, No Problem! But, faced with losses from falling stock prices significantly greater than the losses due to triggering the rapid trading penalties, it'll be a no brainer to bail on a cascade down. No brainers are my specialty. You sell to avoid the wrong risk or to avoid the losses. It's stoopid not to...
Here's the run from 9/1/10 to now in the funds where I had a significant percentage of my 401a coin.

I jacked the risk way (around 100%) up for the reward. I earned a very good year's worth of returns inna quarter. At some point I'll jack the risk way back down because that is the other side of the coin. When it's summer time and the winds and currents are right, you put everything that floats inna water. When it's all darkness, lightening, and waves and the ocean looks like Gods's blender, you go indoors and wait out the winter.
Pretty simple in the large part...
Ahll Be Baaack.....

Ghastly Bloody Costly Day For Me... 1/19/2011
Well... Not Really....
I did end up the day with a substantial loss in the 401a, my family IRA's, and my trading account. DEFINITELY a substantial loss in terms of pulling that much cash out of my pocket and throwing it away.
But Lookie Here...

Here's where the market has come from and gone to since 9/1/10.
I've been aggressively long for most of that run. What made today so nasty was how WFO I was this AM gathering while the gathering has been good. No Surprise I got my nose bloodied. Should I have been more conservative going into today? Hell yes. Did I think about it? Hell Yesss!
But I've thought of it a buncha times before inna last three months and it woulda been big time wrong not to stay WFO. So I was right a bunch, big time wrong once, and still looking good in the perspective the chart above shows...
Time to pull in the horns a tad. I'll prolly lighten up some in all the accounts tomorrow. I'm still well ahead of where I could have been if I hadn't put and kept it out on the table. > If I can keep most of what I've made in the last four months, that's a not half shabby outcome for less than four months work...
Rev Shark is right; Capital preservation is job #1 and not putting yourself in a position where you have to use all your smarts and luck and three quarters of the next run up getting back to even is job #2,#3,#4,#5,#6,and #7.
Stay tooned.....
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