Blogs; A Total Waste of Time? A Source Of Dangerous Mis Information?, Self Centered Self Gratification? A Dangerous Crowding Out Of Real Content? The Descent Of Erudite Intellectual Activity Into the Cacophony Of The Uneducated Masses? The Dilution Of Expertise And Knowledge?..... Pretty Much.
Saturday, May 28, 2011, 02:09 PM
Page after page of professional economic journals are filled with mathematical formulas leading the reader from sets of more or less plausible but entirely arbitrary assumptions to precisely stated but irrelevant theoretical conclusions.
—Wassily Leontief
Comin' Up On SummerTime; Makes Me Wanna Toss The 'board Inna '40 Ford Woodie, Pick Up My Beach Bunny, An' Boogie On Down To Ocean Beach Anna Cliff House. To Watch The Cold Grey Ocean Wash In Under The Cold Grey Fog While I Nurse An Irish Coffee.
Wed 6/1...
I feel strongly about it both ways... Stable Value Fund is a great place to be when the market craters. But I'd much rather everyone had a job and a house and I could just go 100% in the most aggressive fundz. But ya play the cards yer dealt.....

99 and 44/100s pure stable value....
Stay Tooned.....
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