Spring has sprung, Iran is holding Western hostages,oil prices are up, real estate and lending are goin' down, bad loans are ticking in the banks. we're bogged down in an overseas civil war, we have a Republican government imploding, the Demo's are about to have a bloody campaign between non-compelling candidates. Welcome to 1969,70,72,'76,'80,84,91 and a lot of other bad years. 

"Life is tough, but it's tougher when you're stupid."

-- John Wayne

Charts and tables up. I've been almost exclusively long from 9/04 to 2/07 and I'm up 40% to show for it. Now I'm at 70% cash down from 90% cash to 60%cash back to 70% cash all as of last week. And it's all because I'm concerned about the future...

It's time to think and write about creating a framework of expectations for the near and far future. With the expectations set down on paper, a plan as to what to do will pretty much follow. Then I gotta see what's achually gonna be comin' down. That'll measure how well my expectations are bein' met. And that will be the key as to figgarin'out whether or not executing my plan will cross that fine line between brilliant and stoopid. Stay tooned. Doin' my taxes take priority...


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