Life Is About Cycles, Dialectical Materialism And Spiritual Concatenation, Yin And Yang, Secular And Cyclical, Two Stroke And Four Stroke....
Saturday, February 19, 2011, 04:21 PM
"When the Fed is the bartender everybody drinks until they fall down."
— Paul McCulley

This Is EXTREME And Now I'm REALLY squirrelly about staying long. I've got a lot of gains to keep, and the potential for substantial losses in a short time.

Today was UGLY!!!
Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valor
During lunch I went from 95% Stocks to 99% Cash (Stable Value Fund) with minimal effect from the rapid trading rules. Let's let things settle down. I can get back in in one day, but as the old song goes, "Don't Make Your Move Too soon..."
Stay Tooned....
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