Somethi' Inna News 'bout Interest Rates Goin' Up... Maybe The 401 Was Payin' Attention.... Check It Out. Ya Think?
Friday, June 21, 2013, 11:53 AM
The purpose of fixed income in a portfolio is for ballast. It is not there to increase returns, it is there to reduce risk, hence you should keep the fixed income portion of a portfolio relatively short term, high quality, and currency hedged (if using international fixed income).
-- David E. Hultstrom ... e-factory/
Not A Good Week...Looks Worse If Ya Go Back To Da Start O Da Month...
Lightening Up On Stocks Worked Out OK. Didn't Lose Much. Now I Gotta See Which Way Monday Goes.... Don't Let This Week's Heading Fool Ya. I Paid My Attention During The Last Two Weeks Ratcheting Down Risk... The Balanced Pooled Fund Is My Benchmark. The Work I've Done At Getting A Few Percent Here And There, And Big Numbers Like This Week, Becomes A Serious Advantage The Closer I Get To Pulling The Pin...Especially When It Gets So Crazy That Bonds Act Like Stocks. A Brand New Journeyman W/ $15K Inna 401 Sees 5% As Chump Change. A 40 Year Guys Sees It As A Year's Contribution... I'm Big Time Inna Stable Value. Outta Bonds. Return Free Risk? Thank You, But No Thanks....
Been der, lived troo dat inna 70's... ... ime-2013-6 ... -?gcheck=1
Kinda Nixonian... And I Don't Mean Gary....
Look At Treasuries; Think Gov Bond Fund Inna 401.
Look At Corp Bonds; Think American/Vanguard Bond Funds Inna 401.
That's Why I'm Inna Stable Value. For Now Anyway...
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