Jes' Anudder Broked Down Ol' Retahrd Pipefighter
Saturday, April 5, 2014, 03:08 PM
Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.
-- Bill Watterson
I retired in September of 2013. I had started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended and with the minimum contribution since its inception in 1993. I was too busy raising a family and building America to pay attention. I had contributed the minimum amount and left in the default Balanced Pooled Fund. But between 2000 to 2003, I had to straighten out a coupla my IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash crushed them and as an afterthought, I then applied the same kind of evaluation to my 401 and my defined benefit pension fund. I found both to be in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. The story in part is on my website.
Once I was able to get decent returns from my 401, I increased my contributions until I was maxed out and started to put away some serious coin and to make serious money for my retirement.
Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I've kept $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's where I have the money allocated, how I've done this year, and how I've done since I started managing my 401 in 2003.
I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track and manage my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience.
I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination require based on what I read and some professional level subscription data. Running the blog keeps me honest with myself. Putting it in writing makes sure I really have a grip on the handle.
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