Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Friday, January 16, 2015, 02:31 PM
"To anticipate the market is to gamble. To be patient and react only when the market gives the signal is to speculate."
~Jesse Livermore
Democracy means equality. Which means know nothing, faith (fantasy) based delusions have just as much standing as the scientific communities accepted beliefs. Until the numbers favor one position or the other... So check out what I found on that hippie dippy pinko left wing publication, Bloomberg... ... on-record/
When I was at Berkeley, the religious scholars used to come out at lunch time and torment the holy roller saving souls at Sproul Plaza, pointing out mistranslations, errors, and misunderstandings in his version of the good book.
Reality always trumps faith. The time element can be frustrating, though.
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