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De Doh Doh Doh , De Dah Dah Dah , Is All I Want To Say To You....
"The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself."
-John Kenneth Galbraith
Saw 'em @ The Uptown. Definitely a -
Pretty Cool....... I'm So Excited I Can Barely Keep My Eyes Open....
Listen To The Market, Not The Noise That Surrounds It.
-- Robert Lang
Chartz And Table Zup @
Shriekback...Saw 'Em At Slim's A Lifetime Ago... -
Dare I Say It Out Loud? ................ Ya Know.....I Really Don't Care Much For Long Emotional Goodbyes........... SO....... ADIOS, MOTHERFUCKERS!! ... THIS IS IT!!!! .....I'M PULLING THE PIN!!!... I'M OUTAHERE!!!!!!! I'm Retiring As Of This Week. The Paperwork Is Inna Works. Now....About The Blog And Whom So Ever Read Or Might Wanna Continue To Read It... Hmmm.... Stay Tooned.
One of the most difficult investing skills to master is being persistent and confident while not crossing the line to being stubborn and obstinate. It is a very fine line and you will never get it quite right now matter how hard you try.
Reverend Shark
Hey! If Yer A Mem
De Doh Doh Doh , De Dah Dah Dah , Is All I Want To Say To You....
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