One step closer to the door..... 

Condolences to friends and aquaintances of Jon Davies. Too often life is a series of intentions left on the table. Jackin' jaws with Jon one of these days is another intention left on the table...

Another week down and another dollar made. Check out the charts and the table for the 401. There's still money to be made but the short term tenor of the markets is undergoing a change. Japan seems to finally be coming out of its depression. Talk is that the 0% interest rates there are coming to an end. Rates also appear to be on the way up in Europe as well as the US and Japan. Falling rates is a tide that raises all boats. Rising rates is a headwind that pushes all but the very strongest stocks back. Hidden in this week's flat to mildly up/down performances of indexes and many funds is a bunch of stocks marking time or bleeding red and a few stocks going ballistic. A few select telecom stocks made my week, and a very nice week indeed, despite the headwinds. Sometimes exposure to the right stocks, or even exposure to any stocks makes you look like a genius. Sometimes an exposure to a couple of the right stocks saves the day. And sometimes you end up stuck with last season's stocks spread out on the driveway in the rain. The hard times separates the good managers from the bystanders. We may be coming up on such a time. Then it will be time to take some money off the table to stay indoors and out of the driveway in the rain. This week that time looks closer. But I'm not there yet.... For me, successful 401 investing is like hunting in a stand. Get it set up and get ready. Then spend hours of watching, being ready for a few seconds of action.
Last week I moved a little money around and allocated last month's contribution as noted. Steady as she goes...up 34% in 18 months...but keeping my eyes open and finger near the trigger.

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