An optimist stays up to see the New Year in. A pessimist waits to make sure the old one leaves.
-- Bill Vaughan

I've gotta lotta spreadsheets/tables/charts/templates/macros an other stuff to update. Then and only then will I be able to say,

CHARTZ AND TABLE ZUP!!! on www.joefacer.com

So I did and I do....


I declared victory in my RGVEX trade. I made 5% in two months. So I'm selling roughly half the position to lock in the profit, triggering the rapid trading bad juju. I'm locked out of being able to deposit anything over $5K back into the fund for 30 days.

I still want to stay in cash....corporate earning reports happen in January and unemployment reports and earning statements will prolly be bad enough to gag a maggot. So I'm going into the GIC, risking MET Life's solvency vs the Fed's/Congress/administrations intentions to bail every one out. I believe it is a good move. Or I could be wrong. Ya make yer very best guess based on data, analysis , and evaluation, and temper it with risk control and a plan B and C.

Stay Tooned

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