Jes' Anudder Broked Down Ol' Retahrd Pipefighter 

Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around.
-- Bill Watterson

Low Down Dirty Bloos... Sloe Gin
Ana Chaser...
Here's The Dessert...

I retired in September of 2013. I had started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended and with the minimum contribution since its inception in 1993. I was too busy raising a family and building America to pay attention. I had contributed the minimum amount and left in the default Balanced Pooled Fund. But between 2000 to 2003, I had to straighten out a coupla my IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash crushed them and as an afterthought, I then applied the same kind of evaluation to my 401 and my defined benefit pension fund. I found both to be in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. The story in part is on my website.
Once I was able to get decent returns from my 401, I increased my contributions until I was maxed out and started to put away some serious coin and to make serious money for my retirement.
Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I've kept $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's where I have the money allocated, how I've done this year, and how I've done since I started managing my 401 in 2003.

I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track and manage my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience.
I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination require based on what I read and some professional level subscription data. Running the blog keeps me honest with myself. Putting it in writing makes sure I really have a grip on the handle.

[ view entry ] ( 821 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1083 )
Jes' Another Old Broke Down Retired Pipefitter..... 

I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught.
-- Winston Churchill

It May Not Feel Like It, But It's Over....

I retired in September of 2013. I had started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended and with the minimum contribution since its inception in 1993. I was too busy raising a family and building America to pay attention. I had contributed the minimum amount and left in the default Balanced Pooled Fund. But between 2000 to 2003, I had to straighten out a coupla my IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash crushed them and as an afterthought, I then applied the same kind of evaluation to my 401 and my defined benefit pension fund. I found both to be in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. The story in part is on my website.
Once I was able to get decent returns from my 401, I increased my contributions until I was maxed out and started to put away some serious coin and to make serious money for my retirement.
Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I've kept $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's where I have the money allocated, how I've done this year, and how I've done since I started managing my 401 in 2003.

I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track and manage my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience.
I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination require based on what I read and some professional level subscription data. Running the blog keeps me honest with myself. Putting it in writing makes sure I really have a grip on the handle.

All This New Age Shit..... ... ype-drive/

Thinking..... ... er-ukraine ... e_fed.html ... ses-invade ... que-album/

Saturday... ... -challenge ... tradiction ... eak-2014-3

Wu Tang... ... que-album/

Big Time 401 Shit... ... 1-k-s.html

Nah, It Ain't A Bleedin' Heart, It's My Piles Bleedin' For De Pore Rich Folks... ... akers.html

Happened At Berkeley Too, Big Time Wrong... ... iclebottom
Make It Real...

That's A Republican Political Position, It Has Different Characteristics Than Science... ... z2xTUxB867

Tuesday ... cs-2014-01

The Issue Is With Inequality Creating A Political Tipping Point...

My old neighborhood.... ... 014-4?op=1
Not my old place...


I'm A Union Guy.... ... pay-2014-4

Thursday ... ato-2014-4

[ view entry ] ( 889 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1069 )
Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Brokedown Ol' Retahr'd Pipefitter...... 

A bubble is a bull market in which you don't have a position.
-- Eddy Elfenbein

More 'Fats. Hollywood Fats W/ Canned Heat '79, The First Woodstock Ten Year Reunion. Not The New Improved Marketing Event Version. Blues An' Boogie Like An Old Favorite Shirt. Tattered and Oh So Comfortable.

I retired in September of 2013. I had started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended since its inception in 1993. I had contributed the minimum amount and left in the default Balanced Pooled Fund. But in 200 to 2003 I had straightened out a coupla IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash and as an afterthought, applied the same kind of evaluation to my 401 and my defined benefit pension fund. I found both to be in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. That story is on my website. Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I've kept and $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's where I have the money allocated, how I've done this year, and how Ive done since I started managing my 401 in 2003.

I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience. I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination compel based on what I read and some professional level subscription data.

I come from an era of a morning and evening paper and three and a half TV channels.There is so much more available now.... Some ludicrious, some of dubious value, some real actual news, some insightful, some more history than news, Some recycled so much that it is beyond homogenized; Take yer pick. ... t-attack-. ... sia-2014-3

Look At This And See That Not Much Has Changed Since Last Week....

I don't think that the Ukraine situation will effect the economy that much, but it will affect peoples' mindset. I may lighten up a little more come Monday afternoon. I'm up 11% since 9/1/13 and taking money of the table and getting some fresh air and a walk don't seem like such a bad thing... especially when there is uncertainty inn air.

Alternate View... ... n-ukraine/

More Good Investment Advice.... ... -know-now/

Very interesting.... ... ire-2014-3 ... elf-2014-3
Off To De Record Cabinet For Sum R.L. Burnside. I Believe That Is His Grandkids On Drums And Bass...
From The Same Movie... ... ssia-bond/

[ view entry ] ( 1187 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1126 )
Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Retahr'd Ol' Pipefitter...... 

Humility, along with the ability of those who have been wrong to acknowledge their mistakes, are at all-time lows and, sadly, trending lower still. Ideology can apparently hold sway against reason, facts, and data for longer than I’d imagined.
-- Invictus

Miles to go. Tutu.
'Masa RCFP
Back Inna Day, We were All Cold Blooded... ... urn-2014-3 Tha'sjes 'na whayetizzzz..... Greezel.

I retired in September of 2013. I started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended since its inception in 1993. I had straightened out a coupla IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash and as an afterthought, applied the same evaluation to my 401 and found it and my defined benefit pension fund in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. In part, that story is on my website. Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I'm kept and am managing $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's where I have the money allocated, how I've done this year, and how Ive done since I started managing my 401 in 2003.

Here's an Interactive Performance Chart of the funds I have available to me in the 401 and how they've done since 9/1/13.

I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience. I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination compel based on what I read and some professional level subscription data.

Food fer thought... ... r-15-years

If Could Only Read And Act On One Post A Week...

Major Seriousness About 401's ... story.html

Ya Think????

Nothing is as it seems.... ... ght-2014-3

[ view entry ] ( 961 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1065 )
It's Exciting Getting Old. Everyday It's A Brand New World!!! 

“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hollywood Fats Band

I first heard Fats (Michael Mann) at the The Boarding House in SF. He was backing up Jimmy Witherspoon and GAWD He Was Smokin' Hot!!!! Super tight band, kick ass backing for 'Spoon and when Fats stepped up, it was incendiary. Yeah, that is "The Mole",on bass. Check out the SRV and Albert King riffs in the text on these You Tube entries. I had a tape of the Blues Afternoon from the Monterey Jazz Festival where Fat's was on his own and later backed up Etta James and then Eddie "Cleanhead" Vinson. I wore the tape out.Hollywood Fats died way too soon. He is missed.
I just acquired Canned Heat at the Parr Meadows 10 year Woodstock celebration. It was recorded for the King Biscuit Flour Hour. Fats was Heat's guitarist at the time and it is one of the best examples of his talent available. Missing is the small club/theatre dynamics and interplay with a vocalist on serious blues, but in his genre and era, that ain't to be had, 'cepting cassete tapes and obscure TV footage.

I retired in September of 2013. I started managing my 401 in 2004, after leaving it untended since its inception in 1993. I had straightened out a coupla IRA's after the dotcom-9/11 financial crash and as an afterthought, applied the same evaluation to my 401 and found it and my defined benefit pension fund in desperate straights. I was able to help turn both around. In part, that story is on my website. Since retirement, I've given almost all of my 401/IRA balance over to professionals. But not all. I'm kept and am managing $10K in my Union 401 account to provide a benchmark for the professionals and to keep the 401 account open should I decide to take management of the funds back. Here's how I've done this year, and since I started managing my 401 in 2003.

I've made a copy of the Excel spreadsheet I use to track my 401 available to download on my website. If you are not in my Local, the spreadsheet can be adapted to other 401s and other mutual funds by someone with a modicum of Excel experience. I post here what I read that I find of significance or interest. I allocate funds within the 401 between aggressive and conservative allocations as circumstance and inclination compel based on what I read and some professional level subscription data.


Wed ... -jobs.html

Josh is a guy I listen to and put money with. Stuff like this is in part why. ... explained/

[ view entry ] ( 886 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 2.8 / 1119 )
I'm Having So Much Fun I Can Barely Stand It. 

[ view entry ] ( 886 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1061 )
Wasn't Gonna. Now I Hafta... 

The importance of disconnecting and shutting off the computer — I still haven’t figured how to actually do it, but I learned that it’s important.
-- Joe Weisenthal

Young Joe;

I was once a Young Joe, but my talents lay in another area...

Young Eric, Jack, and Ginger;
At 12:30 in, hear the man who was there before everyone else; A King among guitarists...
At 20:20, My family code for the kids knowing a message delivered by a stranger was really from the parents was the "Outside Women Blues" riff.
30:30 Lovin' Spoonfull: Mississippi Blues/Top 40 Upstate New York jug band pop = Laughing Purple Fishes...

InFuckin' InCredible!!!!! ... e-machine/ ... f-charade/ ... z2rX0Q1d7R

Monday ... .html?_r=1

Thursday ... eri-2014-2

[ view entry ] ( 946 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3.1 / 1347 )
Post No Bills ...... If You Know What That Means, Yer Old. Really Old... 

Speaking Of The Bills That Used To Be Posted On Walls And Telephone Poles....

Kick Ass Concerts. They handed out free posters for the next week's show. I saw these shows, among others. Didn't get the posters for these. Got them for the upcoming show and gave them away. Oh Well....

The story goes that Albert King said he was playing in bowling alleys when Graham called him up on the basis of his "Born Under A Bad Sign" LP being played onna local radio. He showed up by himself and opened with Steve Miller's rhythm session IIRC, for Hendrix and Mayall. Next time we touch bases, buy the round and I'll tell you a story about that night. ... omebuyers/ ... 53020.html ... ave-2014-1
Money Games ... r-edition/

Yet AGAIN!!!! Do They Stick Laura And Leslie With These Deliberately? ... ead-2014-1

Smokin' ... 2D11912418

As A Side Note, My Generations Influence Is And has Been Beyond Wide Spread And Pernicious. Years Ago I was Watching a Cable Financial Show And One Of The Guest Economists/Analysts On The Show Spoke Of The Economy "Being Down To Seeds And Stems". No One Blinked.....

More On BitCoin


Here We Go Again!!!! ... war-2014-1 ... pan-2014-1 ... they-lose/


HUGE ... low_today/

[ view entry ] ( 1663 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1129 )
Due Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy Due.... Manfred Mann 

[ view entry ] ( 1446 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3.1 / 1071 )
Got Through The Big Holiday. New Year's Next.... 

There was this Electra sampler LP back inna day. Kinda rare. I bought it for the Butterfield Blues Band cuts. There were these cuts by an oufit called E C And The Powerhouse, had this guy named Winwood inna band I guess along with this Jack Bruce guy. The song, "Steppin' Out" by James Bracken, appeared here and on the Clapton/Mayall LP. Joe is smokin' here on his version, but the teenage Clapton version is really special and much more to my taste than the Bluesbreakers version... The What's Shakin' LP also had "Crossroads" on it... nice.!/search?q=clapton+stepping+out ... ittle.html ... al-2013-12

May You Have A Long And Healthy Retirement. And To Manage Your Retirement Funds Successfully Enough To Avoid This Kinda Crap... ... -abenomics

If You Plan To Save A Lot Of Money And Then Retire, This Is Important... ... -advisors/

Now That I'm Retahrd, Maybe I Got Time To Do Some Of These Things. Or Not... ... 90x742.jpg

There's this thing called Bitcoin....

I'm Retired Now.... I've Got Time To Beat All My Wireless Devices and Entertainment Systems Into A Seamless State Of Operability With My Network. Fuckin' Right!!!


DAMN!!! I hate it when my suspicions are confirmed... ... -cope.html

Very Disquieting To A Guy Who Made His Living In The Capital Goods Industry... ... onomy.html

Reality sets in... ... ss-2013-12

Ugly... ... usalis.php

Cool...Evidence Keeps Piling Up... ... 13-2013-12

[ view entry ] ( 909 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1087 )
I'm Retahrd, Fixed Income Is Hard, Ah Didn' Win Da Lotto, All You Gets Is A Christmas Cahd 

[ view entry ] ( 846 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1030 )
Yer Friendly Neighborhood Broke Down Ol' Pipefitter... Got My Case Of Peppermint Bark. All Is Good. 

[ view entry ] ( 952 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1057 )
Jes' Another Brokedown Retahrd Ol' Pipefitter..... 

[ view entry ] ( 1 view ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 4 / 1 )
Still Yer Friendly Neighborhood Ol' Retahrd Brokedown Pipefitter... 

[ view entry ] ( 1062 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1021 )

[ view entry ] ( 902 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1052 )
Still Your Friendly Neighborhood Brokedown Retired Ol' Pipefitter.... 

It makes me cringe to have 'experts' tell us not to fear the Fed. You don't fear the Fed but you do fear a market that fears the Fed. If the rest of the world is selling because they are afraid, justified or not, you respect the price action and move out of the way.
-- James “Reverend Shark” DePorre

I was channel surfing for some old Lawrence Welk music videos when I found these. They are not quite as old but still appeal to the senior citizen I've become.


She may or may not know that, but the editors of the Wall Street Journal certainly do, and for them to put her story out as if her insurance problems would disappear if only the Affordable Care Act ceased to exist is nothing short of malpractice. ... z2kD0Uesyb ... an-2013-11

Debka... 30% Crazy Shit, 30% YOU'LL Never Be Connected Enough To Find Out If This Is True Or Not.... and 30% Seen There A Day Or A Month Before Major News Sources... ... d-is-bare- ... or-2013-11
 ... revisited/ ... al-history ... l&_r=0

Nest Of Snakes ... al-2013-11

Wed ... ;_r=1&

Do I Think Of My Self As One Of The Almost Gone Generation Where The Floor, When All Else Failed, Was To Show Up Every Day At A So So Job, Still Be Able To Buy A House, Raise Kids, And Retire With Dignity? Some Times... ... revolution ... an-2012-10

Fuckin' "A" Tweetie ... ext_phase/

[ view entry ] ( 969 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3.1 / 1096 )
Waka Jawaka. Black Napkins. Zap (pa) 

You will never know if someone is an asshole until he becomes rich.
Nassim Taleb

More Than The Mothers Of Invention And Yellow Snow...
Frank Does Allman Bros... ... n-the-hole ... ont-trade/

[ view entry ] ( 860 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 2.9 / 1022 )

"The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists."
--Joan Robinson

No New Chartz, No New Table Zup... I'm RE TAHRD! ... ts-2013-10

History Lesson.. ... ateur.html
Alternative Views To The Accepted Misunderstanding Of How Thing Work In This Country... ... story.html

Lower Left To Upper Right.
All long/all in inna 401. (The remnant I still have there). This will end and I will reallocate. But for now it looks good.

Monday ... ulls-ahead
http://philosophicaleconomics.wordpress ... rgin-debt/

Found That Alternative Investment, That Collectable That'll Hold it Value Regardless. Like Say Mark MacGuire's Home Run Record Breaking Ball... Or Maybe A Painting? ... rt-market/


Girl Doing Crazy Stuff... ... le-go.html

[ view entry ] ( 1027 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 2.9 / 1070 )
Just Another Old Broke Down Ree-Tahrd Pipe Fitter.... 

[ view entry ] ( 920 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 2.9 / 1073 )
Gone Fishing... Got my Trout Grenades and my net. 

"Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone."
-John Maynard Keynes

Interesting... But I didn't read the last coupla paragraphs... Too long; Lost interest. ... ate_t.html

Sunday ... the-taper/ ... um=twitter

Twelve years ago, I asked the General Contractor at the Cell Genesis job for the MSDS on the epoxy floor coating being installed. The rep brought back a one page copy from what was supposed to be a multi page document, indicating that the product was benign. The page was from the MSDS for latex paint. The box holding the flooring epoxy components said "Do Not Open Product Unless You Are Wearing A Respirator Suitable To The Chemistry Of The Product." I can relate it to this NFL riff. There were dollars involved vs health and safety. I know what some people think takes precedence.

Anybody else have a problem with this? ... story.html

Schedule for Armageddon... ... -due-when/

Bill McBride is da man... ... o-see.html
Shutdown/Non Default Porn ... lt-2013-10
Something Pleasant Instead ... on-2013-10
No Shit ... on-2013-10 ... gdp-by-0-5 ... -new-highs ... owth-rate/

Huge... ... etirement# ... ong-fight/

Here's Grover Norquist on Ted Cruz:
"He pushed House Republicans into traffic and wandered away."

WONK WONK... ... s-failing/
Fires don't reverse and burn backwards... ... ady-begun/

Hmmmm.... ... think?lite ... 8C11390916 ... dgame.html

But sometimes, it’s been said, the greatest courage is displayed in standing before a crowd and affirming that two plus two equals four — now the main Republican challenge. Political morality is determined not simply, or even mostly, by intentions, but rather by results. There is a virtue in achieving what is achievable — in actually making things better than they are.

Read more: ... z2hoSM3GLo ... 17-2013-10 ... se-already

I'm an ex Catholic. And there ain't no ex quite as ex as an ex Catholic. And I can't even imagine what kinda load the enslaved and molested Catholics are carrying. But I check out what's happening every so often... and I find that I like the new Pope's modus operandi.
Boston College theology professor Thomas Groome said, "I think it will be a real test for conservative Catholics," he said. "They have always pointed the finger, quoting the pope for the last 35 years. Suddenly, will they stop quoting the pope? It'll be a good test of whether or not they're really Catholics." ... wn-2013-10 ... ment-72109 ... sting.html ... goal/?_r=0 ... goal/?_r=0

Thurs ... -lost.html

[ view entry ] ( 952 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1017 )
Pretty Much Ree Tahred.... 

[ view entry ] ( 1230 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 934 )
DUDE!!! Way Retired! Knarly! 

"You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down."
--Mary Pickford ... drugs.html
Fuckin' "A" Tweetiebird... ... ve-ramsey/ ... bt-default

I've read Cramer's site sine 1999 and it is amazing how many very significant investment pro's have passed through. I've followed the keepers. Jeff is one of them. How can you make any money without qualified information? ... l#comments

Why Am I not Surprised? ... s-20130926 ... sis-2013-9 ... heres-why/

Light My Fire... ... Ggsb5Ba0Jw

Tues ... s-arrived/ ... ay/280107/

Fuckin' True Believers. Do you know why the old Dutch word "sabot" is the root of a contemporary English/ American word? ... er-2013-10 ... re-2013-10 ... raphy.html ... raphy.html

Thurs... ... o&_r=1 ... c=soc_twtr
Morons. As Was Explained To Me By A Lawyer; "That what you wrote was True is considered an acceptable defense." ... c=soc_twtr ... ns#slide-1

[ view entry ] ( 902 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1007 )
STILL Retired.... 

If I say Nike Hercules and Mount Tamalpais and the San Francisco Bay, do you know what I'm talking about? And do you know the intended purpose of the Nike's? ... veals?lite ... the-storm/

Huge: ... ed-up.html ... und-2013-9

Twisted Sifter: ... rkahegyzo/

Lower Left To Upper Right. Above the 50 DMA, But Way Extended W/O A Correction
And Counting On Congress Not To Fuck It Up. Staying Wary....

'Nother Day Onna Bay... ... 013-9?op=1

From The Fabulous Furry Freak Bros To This... ... 011-2013-9

My God... ... uptcy?lite

[ view entry ] ( 820 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1031 )

"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results."
--Sir Winston Churchill

In Yo Dreams..... ... =endscreen

Cheap and Easy Self-directed Investment Options

Congress provides US taxpayers with many different tax-advantaged options for retirement saving. Qualified self-directed employer sponsored retirement plans are some of those options. They included 401(k), 403(b) 457 plans, SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, and others. There are trillions of dollars invested in these plans. This is a good thing for workers and for America.

What Congress didn’t provide was a short list of investments that plan participants could put their money into. That was a mistake. As a result, many plans are load up the a wide range of costly investment products that pay Wall Street billions of dollars in annual fees and, to make matters worse, kick-back some of those fees to the employers in the form of administrative services.

My radical idea is for Congress to create a very short list of three (3), government approved, low-cost, diversified index fund options for participants in qualified self-directed plans – and that is it. Every plan in the country were employees are able to save tax deferred would be required to offer these three funds, and only these three funds in their plan to keep their tax exempt status:

Conservative growth: 25% total global stock index fund + 75% total US bond index fund.
Moderate growth: 50% total global stock index fund + 50% total US bond index fund.
Aggressive growth: 75% total global stock index fund + 25% total US bond index fund.
The default for all employees would be the moderate growth fund. They would then have the option to invest in Conservative Growth or Aggressive Growth. Fund providers would compete for then qualified plan business on cost only because the funds would be all the same. There would be no incentive to compete based on performance of their funds. This will drive investment costs down to only a few basis points, a level enjoyed by participants in the government’s own Thrift Savings Plan (TSP).

There would be no need for middle-men such consultants who earn fees by recommending investment products. It will also end the flow of cash from fund companies back to plan sponsors. Administrative costs would be paid fully by either the employer or employees. All costs would be fully disclosed. Finally, this idea will end most lawsuits against plan sponsors for impudent investment decisions.

The government created qualified self-directed employer sponsored plans with the thought of helping Americans save and investment for retirement. They did not do it so that Wall Street could get rich. Limiting all plans to these three extremely low-cost portfolios is a prudent move for employees and their beneficiaries, and it’s also prudent for employers who wish to have safe harbor from litigation due to bad investment decisions.

Rick Ferri

Somebody Should Do Something...

More food for thought: ... g-bet.html

Sunday Night ... wing-name/

Here’s what President Barack Obama‘s statement on Lawrence Summers‘s decision to withdraw his name from consideration to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve would have looked like after 40 milligrams of Sodium thiopental:

“Earlier today, I spoke with Larry Summers and accepted his decision to withdraw his name from consideration for Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Larry was a critical contributor to the radical deregulation that was one of many causes of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. It was in no small part because of his lack of expertise, false wisdom, and inept leadership that the economy crashed and burned and even today is still failing to be to back to its full growth potential.......

Relevant ... -treasury/

Coming up outa the dark... ... nts-2013-9

WED... ... aph-2013-9

Thurday... Bummer. Get Used To It. ... l&_r=0

A needed slap up alongside da head. A click whore post.

Huge ... jtEMdKTiSo ... ns-shadow/

[ view entry ] ( 915 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1096 )
De Doh Doh Doh , De Dah Dah Dah , Is All I Want To Say To You.... 

"The salary of the chief executive of a large corporation is not a market award for achievement. It is frequently in the nature of a warm personal gesture by the individual to himself."
-John Kenneth Galbraith

Saw 'em @ The Uptown. Definitely an uptown experience. I ain't the only grey haired geezer still out der...

Klick Onna Video Tab. Racer Porn.
 ... story.html

My tax dollar at work; ... ogram.html
Yours too, if yer old enough....

Syria War 401 news;

Volatility is gonna be up bigtime. The potential for things to go wrong is huge. Russia and Iran vs Saudi, Israel, France, US, Turkey. The actual arena of war is small and isolated by US standards. But it is in the mideast, there are oil powers involved, chemical weapons too, and it is like a barfight where there exists the possibility of the loser grabbing an oil lamp and screaming "The Guy Next To You Is A Child Molester!!!" and throwing the lamp into a mountain of bottles behind the bar. This could get messy.

That said, going into Labor Day is the slowest time of the year, markets get whipped around, This PROLLY gets dealt wit', and a month down the rad things look cool. That said, ya can take some off the table and get a little conservative, it wouldn't hurt much. But, things stay rocky for a coupla three weeks, then clear up, STAND BACK!!! We come into the end of the year, seasonality is in our favor, Wall Street DESPERATELY needs to run stocks up, and we could come back up like that garden rake you stepped on when you were a kid. Or we go to hell inna handbasket and we got bigger problems than the 401. I'm standing pat. Fer Now... ... -fear.html ... -of-humor/ ... t-schmexit

Stay Tooned...

[ view entry ] ( 1007 views ) [ 0 trackbacks ] permalink ( 3 / 1001 )
Pretty Cool....... I'm So Excited I Can Barely Keep My Eyes Open.... 

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Dare I Say It Out Loud? ................ Ya Know.....I Really Don't Care Much For Long Emotional Goodbyes........... SO....... ADIOS, MOTHERFUCKERS!! ... THIS IS IT!!!! .....I'M PULLING THE PIN!!!... I'M OUTAHERE!!!!!!! I'm Retiring As Of This Week. The Paperwork Is Inna Works. Now....About The Blog And Whom So Ever Read Or Might Wanna Continue To Read It... Hmmm.... Stay Tooned. 

One of the most difficult investing skills to master is being persistent and confident while not crossing the line to being stubborn and obstinate. It is a very fine line and you will never get it quite right now matter how hard you try.
Reverend Shark

Hey! If Yer A Member Of 342 And Need Some Help With The 401, Get In Touch With Me.
If You Are Using The Blog To Run Yer 401 Outa Another Local, And Would Like To See The COFG Continue, Lemme Know Through The "Contact Me" Link Above.
If You Just Like Comics And Music, Lemme Know That Too.
If All These Hits Onna My Blog Are Issues W/ Fat Fingers, And You Don't Give A Fuck.... Turn Around And Go Quietly, Nothing To See Here..... Move On....

Monetary Musical Hi Jinks. ... r_embedded

"Are You Experienced?" Have You Seen The "Silver White Light"? ... =endscreen
Back Inna Day, It Was All Hair 'N No Studs Or Hoops And Only The Occasional Tat'.

Here's Where I've Gotten To... Grant Me A Victory Lap....

Here's Ever Since I Started Self Managing My Account.

Here's YTD.

Here's During The Bad Year...

Not A Bad Place To Close De Do'. Up 11% Plus In 8 Months... A Little Short Of 10% A Year Over The Last 9 Years.


I'm moving a substantial proportion of my money from my 401 to an account managed by a professional money manager in the near future. I will retain money in my 401 account and manage it as I have always done. I will be able to measure what my fees are getting me and roll the money back into the 401 should I decide to. But in the meantime, the distribution of funds among the investment options is mostly about easy tracking and transfer. I'll keep you posted on when that changes.

Don't Tell Me Wells Don't Run Dry An' It's All A Liberal Socialist Conspiracy. I Was On The Sahara Forest Logging Project Back Inna Day.... ... us-aquifer

TUESDAY ... y-a-nobody ... f-the-fed/ ... ger-2013-8

Thursday: ... nt-advice/

Stay Tooned...

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Dem Changes .... Again 

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Been Real Busy. Normal Service To Resume....Inna Week Or Two 

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'Nother Day...'Nother Dollar. 

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