Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Ol' Broked Down Retahr'd Union Pipefitter...... and his 401 Plan...Special Warriors NBA Finals Edition II.
Saturday, June 13, 2015, 02:49 PM
The most valuable assets in life are those that hold no monetary value. Health, friends and family� -- Joe Terranova
Yer Funeral, My Trial.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCuCtU0tGi4
Ah Dearly Love The 18 Month Election Year... http://www.businessinsider.com/marco-ru ... kes-2015-6

You'll Note; Kinda Bond Free... How It's Workin' Shown Below....

Cuz Ahm A Union Man From Way Back; Teamster, AFL-Cio, United Association. I've Provided For my Family, I Have A Comfortable Retirement, A Health Plan, And Some Neat Toys...

Click Here To Get The Details....
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Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Ol' Broked Down Retahr'd Union Pipefitter...... and his 401 Plan
Saturday, May 23, 2015, 07:30 PM
People will go to extraordinary lengths to rationalize market action and make it fit their narrative. This year wasn�t 1929, or 1987, or even 2007. It was in fact, 2014. -- Jon Boorman
IF YOUR A FIRST TIMER TO THE BLOG, CLICK HERE... http://joefacer.com/pblog/static.php?pa ... 729-141334

I'm all in in stocks because of what I read, what I've learned, and most especially, because I'm prepared to harvest gains and minimize losses when the time comes. YMMV.
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Jes' Yer Friendly Neighborhood Ol' Broked Down Retahr'd Union Pipefitter...... and his 401 Plan
Monday, May 4, 2015, 12:43 PM
Big data and other wonders of the high tech world didn�t make us any smarter � at least when it comes to markets. The 50% drop in oil prices has humbled us all. -- Nancy Miller
Kinda takes me back to the 60's. A buddy of mine was at SF State sitting on the lawn between classes while demonstrations were occurring on the other side of the area. The cops scattered the demonstrators and one cop chasing a handful of demonstrators, ran past my buddy, still sitting on the lawn, and at full speed, took a one handed swing at a short haired sitting spectator. Don slammed back against the ground and the baton whistled past his face. Coulda splattered his brains. I don't claim to be an oppressed minority, but I have at least some appreciation of the below... I do get a kick outta the other attendees at the financial conferences I attend talking about what the "old hippie" is doing there. There was a time (still is actually, I flew back to Chicago and bought a truck and drove it back. Got a lot of hard eye here and there onna way) that my appearance symbolized a threat to God and Country. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc ... re/391158/

It's a complicated world, and I'm no longer a pipefitter, I'm a retiree investor hell bent on making my life savings work for me and my family. But I've never figured that made me one of the guys who will get bailed out the next time Wall Street craters itself. Most of the time, I'm on Betty Dub's side... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/ ... et-tremble
Wednesss day...
Stockmarket stuff..... https://marketchess.com/2015/05/06/stock-market-recap-05-06-15-video-1

Thursday... http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2 ... e-autobahn
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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan.... Easter Special
Thursday, April 2, 2015, 03:33 PM
Unsustainable things can last years, even decades, longer than people think. -- Morgan Housel
http://forward.com/articles/217842/how- ... ddle-east/

One of my brothers is gay and I long since came to terms with it (30-40 years ago). Hatred and discrimination don't belong to be at Thanksgiving or Christmas.... or the other 363 days of the year either.... http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketb ... to-indiana Interesting demonstration in terms of the video participants on the link. Think tide of history and Penn's point on history moving on... http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/02/opinions/ ... index.html

How the fundz inna 401 are doin'.....

How my account is doin'.....

Big Cap US stocks.... Which is to say international and dollar exposure...

Smaller Cap Stocks.... Think domestic markets, cheap energy, earnings in dollars....

Fundz inna 401 referenced to S&P 500. Note the AM Fundz Admiral button and red zero line... Big caps look toasted. Expect me to rebalance fundz over the next week...
Monday.... In the long run, we're ALL dead. http://peakoilbarrel.com/the-competitiv ... principle/

 So as a long hair liberal graduate of UC Berserkley, there are a lot of lefties who make my brain hurt to listen to them. But they are trying to go to where we can't go. At least not now. But what disturbs me is the righties who want to go back to where they imagine we used to be without realizing that we are not there any longer because it became untenable. Fires don't burn backwards and cement doesn't turn back into water and dry powder and then climb back inna bag no matter how much you may want it to. Neither do you speed up/reverse history for convenience...
Kinda peripheral 401 stuff. Your fund advisor's first obligation is to his wife and kids. That obligates him to earn. His obligation to you is to do well for you/not screw you up so badly that you no longer produce income. It's OK not to come first. It's not OK to come last... http://thereformedbroker.com/2015/04/06 ... lesperson/
Tues... Gotta have a crap filter if you run your 401... http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2 ... c-analysis
it's a SERIOUSLY convoluted world... http://www.businessinsider.com/heres-wh ... ran-2015-4
Thursday.... Gotta recognize the new reality, bummer or not... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/ ... a-s-future
http://www.pragcap.com/why-rand-pauls-b ... cessionary
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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Saturday, March 7, 2015, 01:31 PM
There is no reason to feel any shame in hiring someone to pick stocks or mutual funds for you. But there�s one responsibility that you must never delegate. You, and no one but you, must investigate whether an adviser is trustworthy and charges reasonable fees. -- Benjamin Graham
For the most part, clickbait (ten things they don't want you.. The One Secret... Once I learned the One Secret that they) drives me uppa wall. But, Hell THIS is Important...
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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Friday, January 16, 2015, 02:31 PM
"To anticipate the market is to gamble. To be patient and react only when the market gives the signal is to speculate." ~Jesse Livermore
Democracy means equality. Which means know nothing, faith (fantasy) based delusions have just as much standing as the scientific communities accepted beliefs. Until the numbers favor one position or the other... So check out what I found on that hippie dippy pinko left wing publication, Bloomberg... http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2014- ... on-record/ When I was at Berkeley, the religious scholars used to come out at lunch time and torment the holy roller saving souls at Sproul Plaza, pointing out mistranslations, errors, and misunderstandings in his version of the good book. Reality always trumps faith. The time element can be frustrating, though.
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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Friday, January 9, 2015, 12:35 PM
Day-to-day, anecdotal impressions can matter in investing, like seeing all the Prius and hybrid cabs in Chicago and the alternative-fuel trucks in and around Chicago, and wondering, �how can this not impact crude oil demand at some point ?� Hence, we had zero weighting in Energy the last two years for clients. -- Brian Gilmartin
Behind the curtain... http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2 ... sian-heart
And aren�t we all tired of those who claim to know the answer to life, death and the creation being so fucking sensitive about their knowledge? If I knew the answer to it all, if I thought I understood the wishes of the author of the universe and was privileged to understand what happens to us after death, the last thing I would be is all prickly and defensive. �Mock me all you like,� I�d cry. �Go on, laugh your socks off, paint crude daubs, make mocking films. They pass me by as the idle wind which I respect not.� Stephen Fry
http://thereformedbroker.com/2015/01/11 ... dle-class/ http://www.project-syndicate.org/commen ... tz-2015-01 http://pragcap.com/public-payrolls-stil ... employment http://vimeo.com/116485717
http://dashofinsight.com/weighing-week- ... nd-market/

Monday... http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2 ... -price-war
Leaked From AlJazeera... http://www.businessinsider.com/leaked-a ... bdo-2015-1
http://www.psmag.com/navigation/health- ... ots-92793/
Tuesday.... http://www.businessinsider.com/what-oba ... ris-2015-1
 First Ya Gotta Get A Buncha People To Agree...
 This is a chart of many of the funds available to my 401...
 This is the same chart, but referenced against the Lord Abbett fund. I'm out the LA Fund until further notice. I still believe that Europe will have to and eventually will enact a QE program and stocks will launch upward. But looking at the last 5 months, I'm leaning toward getting outa the way and waiting to actually see something. I'll give away already being there when it happens to avoid standing there in the cold rain and snow. waiting for it to happen. Stay tooned.
Wednesday... Fuck Congress... http://www.maliceforall.com/2015/01/the ... r-economy/
Thursday... http://vimeo.com/116909650
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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Thursday, January 1, 2015, 01:24 PM
�By far the biggest problem for professionals in investing is dealing with career and business risk: protecting your own job as an agent. The second curse of professional investing is over-management caused by the need to be seen to be busy, to be earning your keep. The individual is far better-positioned to wait patiently for the right pitch while paying no regard to what others are doing, which is almost impossible for professionals.� - Jeremy Grantham
New Years morning and I'm about half way through my pitcher of Mimosas after breakfast. (Straight gin onna rocks last night, this is my way of getting vitamin C this morning. Being retired allows me to pursue my hobbies...) Reading about Walschaerts valve gear. I'm a gear head. Pretty much have been since 8 yrs old.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walschaerts_valve_gear This is what put the "Choo" in "Choo Choo"....

Worth the time... If ya got the time.... http://www.businessweek.com/features/20 ... ousy-list/
I got no use for the Dead and their nonprofessional antics.... but when they were on, they were awesome.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9AQiF5fFFI&feature=em-subs_digest
I may do some gear changing and re-arranging of the 401. Based in part on this. (The thesis and the individual{Grundlatch} are recognized by the guys whom I pay to run my retirement money...) http://www.businessinsider.com/gundlach ... ast-2015-1

As per above, this Sat, I'm outa the Lord Abbett Small Cap Fund and outa the Met Life Stable Value Fund Monday. The money will go into the American Bond Fund. The bond fund's return is well ahead of the Stable value fund and will continue to do better. The LRSYX fund will be under pressure from redemptions which will screw with investment strategy. Best to be clear while this works itself out. Staying put elsewhere.
http://www.businessinsider.com/polands- ... ack-2015-1
Sunday... http://theirrelevantinvestor.tumblr.com ... t-strategy
Your politicians and mine at work.... http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/artic ... om-reality
Wednesday... Pop the hood and see what underlies the paint and chrome... http://vimeo.com/116196983
Drive me UP THE FUCKIN" WALL!!!!! http://www.salon.com/2014/12/21/why_so_ ... s_partner/
Thursday... Ya don't get to choose the world you live in... I grew up when part of being a good citizen was being prepared for imminent thermonuclear war (food in the house, always keep the car at least half full of gas to evacuate to the mountains if necessary, CD {Civilian Defense} symbols on every AM radio in every car...) This is this era's version. http://www.businessinsider.com/europe-i ... ege-2015-1 Slow Motion Trainwreck.... Reagan is still dead and trickle down doesn't mean what they told you it did.... http://www.motherjones.com/politics/201 ... ts-failing
More Unner Da Hood.... http://vimeo.com/116290225
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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Friday, December 26, 2014, 01:01 PM
�You can�t develop a portfolio strategy around endless possibilities. You wouldn�t even get out of bed if you considered everything that could possibly happen�.. you can use history as one tool for shaping reasonable probabilities. Then, you look at the world of economic, sentiment and political drivers to determine what�s most likely to happen�while always knowing you can be and will be wrong a lot.� - Ken Fisher
Friday... http://pragcap.com/three-things-i-think ... ed-in-2014

Coupla three four things here.... It's been a busy year for me for all the wrong reasons. There have been health issues in the family and this is in part why I've spun off the bulk of my retirement funds to some pro's; so I could look away if I had to or wanted to. I have mostly looked away from those accounts and that is all right... as long as I still keep an eye on them in some measure. I'm still an active trader and that account absorbs a fair amount of my time. The result has been less time spent on my 401 than usual since it is now a small portion of my retirement funds. But that has resulted in my being slow to move on two outstanding issues in the account; the American Funds EuroPac and Lord Abbot small cap funds.
Overseas has pretty much lagged domestic big time and the American Funds are huge funds that have a lot of money to place. It is hard for them to invest in small pockets of value in down markets. They have lagged the domestic funds and despite having lightened up there, I probably should have lighter there than I was. One of the three funds in the small/mid cap area has been awful. The other two have been fine. Again, I would have liked to have been lighter faster there than I was. It cost me some gains. I'd rather have been in the other stock funds, but even the bond mutual funds, which were supposed to be horrible this year but weren't, would have been a better place to be than the two poorly performing stock funds... The Stable Value fund has been a worse place to be than the bond funds. Not tracking reality vs expections cost me some performance here when I sought safety at various times this year. Lesson noted... This is a new year and time to change some things. This year, I'm going to keep a closer watch on the 401 funds.
At some point, there will be a serious market correction. It'll sting. But you can ride out corrections. What you don't want to ride out are bear markets. I expect the first but not the second. For now, I'm staying heavy in stocks. At some point in the future, Europe will have to do a QE like we did. It will get exceedingly ugly politically and that may make it ineffectual and delay the recovery and protract it way beyond the time it should have taken. But if it works like it did here, the stock market will lead big time whatever recovery they do have, so I'm staying equal weighted in the American EuroPac funds for now.
At some point the yelling that is undoubtedly taking place at Lord Abbett will have an effect and the fund will start to perform again. I can't hurt the fund's feelings by ignoring it, and they will not make up the losses out of their pocket, but performance is performance. So I got a small portion of my portfolio in a "tracking position". At some point I'll boost that up into a full position. Or not. I will keep a closer eye on this portfolio and work it harder...

For now..... Stay Tooned....

Fewer things to feel comfortable about... http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/end-cons ... z3MeJSHaqC http://www.businessinsider.com/russia-i ... it-2014-12
Think about the Olympics. There is no mystery in running, jumping, diving, gymnastics, etc. Everyone knows what perfection looks like. It's just basics. And the very best competitors in the world get the very best coaches in the world to work incessently with them on basics as long as they hope to excell..... http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2014/12/th ... investing/ http://thereformedbroker.com/2014/12/27 ... one-loves/
http://priceonomics.com/stepping-off-th ... te-bridge/
Sunday... Sounds like a union to me..... http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/busin ... .html?_r=1 World War Two brought my mom to San Francisco from Colorado because there were jobs here. Four brothers, including my dad, chose California as the final destination when they were discharged from the armed forces post WW II and gravitated to the Bay Area instead of going back to Utah... That's how I came to be a San Franciscan. http://techcrunch.com/2014/04/14/sf-housing/ Long but worth the read.... If you've got 20 hours... http://www.businessweek.com/features/20 ... ousy-list/ http://www.businessinsider.com/illinois ... is-2014-12 http://vimeo.com/115525761 http://www.calculatedriskblog.com/2014/ ... es_28.html
Monday... http://thereformedbroker.com/2014/12/29/buy-europe/
Tuesday... http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2014/12/oi ... bad-spain/

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Jes' Annuder Ol' Broked Down Retahrd Union Pipefitter And His 401 Defined Contribution Plan....
Friday, December 12, 2014, 04:36 PM
�The market does reflect the available information, as the professors tell us. But just as the funhouse mirrors don�t always accurately reflect your weight, the markets don�t always accurately reflect that information. Usually they are too pessimistic when it�s bad, and too optimistic when it�s good. - Bill Miller
It's important to read stuff like this. And to act on it. Or not. Because there is what may happen, what the reaction may be, what the right thing to do may be, whether or not the right thing to do is appropriate for me, and whether or not the opportunity arises to do the rightest thing or just a mostly right thing. Or not. Stay tooned. http://www.businessinsider.com/stock-ma ... sh-2014-12 http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2 ... -of-growth That said, here's where I am this week....

http://thereformedbroker.com/2014/12/12 ... is-period/
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