“The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.”
Chartz And Table Zup at www.joefacer.com
http://brontecapital.blogspot.com.au/20 ... cracy.html
Not That It Can't Continue...Just Not Forever.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9LNMsFj ... r_embedded
Potential War In The Mid East, Financial And Economic Collapse In Europe, Recession Looming In SA, India And China, Major Unemployment Issues In The US Long After What Passes As A Recovery Has Taken Place. Still It's A Beautiful Sunny Day Today And Father's Day Is Happening Today And Tomorrow. Grab The Good Times Even While You Sweat The Bad Times. Life Is A One Act Play. Enjoy All Of It.
I really don't want to hear about "values." It is meaningless to me if the price action doesn't confirm the fact that something is cheap and people recognize that fact. If a stock really is a good value, then it should start trading up. I don't care what the analysis might be. A stock is not a good value if it doesn't increase in price.
-- James “Rev Shark” DePorre
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com.
Speaking Of Grabbing Good Times While You Can... From Back Inna Day...

http://interloping.com/2012/06/14/routi ... essionals/
http://money.msn.com/investing/washingt ... spx?page=0
And, In Counterpoint....Happy Father's Day to You Too.... http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... crumbling/
http://brontecapital.blogspot.com.au/20 ... cracy.html
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joshua-m- ... #s=1092093
http://economywatch.msnbc.msn.com/_news ... -plan?lite
HUGE!!!! http://fundamentalis.com/?p=66
Yeah I'm in bonds. But I will get out of them at some point as fast as I got in....
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... -briefing/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-1 ... -edge.html
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/06/fl ... more-80820
http://economix.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/ ... f=business
http://www.leighdrogen.com/wealthfront- ... hilosophy/
http://adage.com/article/the-media-guy/ ... ns/235415/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-2 ... gains.html
http://www.borowitzreport.com/2012/06/2 ... m-florida/
98% Bonds and 2% Stocks Inna 401. Prolly Stay That Way For A While...
Stay Tooned....
WFO! Twist The Wrist! 100 MPH @ 100 Degrees! Rode My CBR Over To Rent A Can Am Spyder To Visit My Uncle And Try To Put Him In The Wind. The Spyder Is A Strange Beast With A Detuned Aprilia Superbike Motor. And What A Motor!!! But Gawd It Felt Good To Get Back On a 600 And Two Wheels Onna Way Home... BUT, I've Seen The Light. I NEED A LOT MORE MOTOR AND THE SAME SIZE BIKE. It Should Be Doable....
The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled; public debt should be reduced; and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled.
-- Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Pop music; Lightweight, disposable. And INFECTIOUS. Somebody Get Me A Cheeseburger!!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... woiy-Fwm0E
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WCFUGCO ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dEA81-S ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVA1xRrW ... re=related
Ten points if you don't need the reference explained. Twenty points if you know who Steve Miller's lead guitarist was on the first LP. Twenty five points if you know where to find HIS cut with Duane Allman playing lead for him. Lose it all if you don't know where to find all the live shows with Duane.
Hang On To your Hat! It Looks Like Europe Is Saved Again!!!!
Hey!! Wait A minute......
http://www.businessinsider.com/the-text ... dos-2012-6
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... p-in-mind/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... -all-time/
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree ... us-economy
Monday Eve...
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-1 ... alues.html
Europe/Greece/Spain/Whatever Is Saved Again Rally's Are Losing Their Efficacy... It's A Habituation Kinda Thing....

I hope he ain't right, but I gotta listen and allow the possibility that he may be...
This is what an eighth of a trillion Euro's buys you... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... s-you.html
This morning... http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... s-you.html
http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/c ... s-war.html

Twist The Wrist
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... o-is-open/
COLD...... http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/06/ ... idice.html
Stay tooned...
De Doe Doe Doe, De Dah Dah Dah...Is All I Want To Say To You... "The Police" From The Lost "Dragnet Tapes".
Monday Eve...
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... t-respect/
Smokin' Hot Day!!!!


“As to the stock market: again, calm down. Counter trend rallies are euphoric. They are fast, big, and make you want to believe again...
Click THIS!!!!
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/06/qo ... d-rallies/
Click the charts....
Waiting on something more definitive.....
Big in bonds, chump change in stocks....

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/10/magaz ... wanted=all
Thurs Eve..
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... w-through/ Did not happen...
http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012 ... t_bradbury
http://advisorperspectives.com/dshort/g ... Dragon.php
Bail Out The Banks?.....Hmmmmm...
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/06/wh ... ast-value/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-06-0 ... ustry.html
Stay tooned...
Not much changed... Lookit da S&P.....
Well... That unemployment report qualifies as a change....
Cash and bonds inna 401 work fo me....
http://seabreezepartners.net/letters&am ... p;catid=15
http://dealbreaker.com/2012/05/warren-b ... ent-ideas/
Don't think for a minute, that with $150,000,000 on the line, your health and well being might not be onna line right next to it....
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-3 ... llion.html
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... s-middles/

All Bonds And Stable Value.
Stay Tooned...
Not much changed... Lookit da S&P.....
Well... That unemployment report qualifies as a change....
Cash and bonds inna 401 work fo me....
http://seabreezepartners.net/letters&am ... p;catid=15
http://dealbreaker.com/2012/05/warren-b ... ent-ideas/
Don't think for a minute, that with $150,000,000 on the line, your health and well being might not be onna line right next to it....
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-3 ... llion.html
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... s-middles/

All Bonds And Stable Value.
Stay Tooned...
There Is No Point To Making Money In The 401 If After Every Rip, I Give It Right Back On The Next Dip. "Deer In The Headlights" And Passive Acceptance Are Not My Preferred Modes Of Operation....
A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
--Herm Albright
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Sometimes ya turn yer back onna favorite burger shake and fries and go for some duck breast tangerine ginger Marsala and scallops poached in butter, garlic, and shallots.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4IMMaF7 ... re=related
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-1 ... ising.html

The more I think about the events of the last two weeks, the more I think that we're simply at an all-time low. The meltdown in Europe, the quick 8% savaging of US stocks after a fairy tale Q1, the utter failure of Facebook's IPO to do a single fucking thing for the markets or the retail investing public...it's all just garbage.
J. Brown http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... -time-low/
Useful input. Valuable with a pull date and a limited area of use. No more. To be looked at through the lens of time and experience accepting that we are in a multi variant reality where reality is a process and value is time and personal space variant.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/philjohnson ... bookstore/

I'm not as good nor is it as easy as it looks. I watch for trends to develop and as Rev Shark says, "You try to catch most of the move." Playing the major trends and ignoring the meaningless noise costs me the start and finish of the major moves while I wait to make sure they are for real. The rapid trading restrictions puts me in partial positions for the start of the up trend as I try to reallocate responsibly within the restrictions, and it makes me way too heavy while I try to get out during the down trend. Still, over the last 17 months, I caught part of a 5% up move, avoided most of a down 20% move, caught part of an up 20% move, and I'm holding 10% stocks and going lighter during the current down trend. It's work, but what was scrambling for pennies in front of a steam roller years ago has now morphed into keeping a significant part of my retirement retirement money from taking a substantial hit on these swoosh downs.
"It is not how right or how wrong you are that matters, but how much money you make when right and how much you do not lose when wrong."
-- George Soros
http://bigthink.com/ideas/the-ceo-as-a- ... et-fallacy
http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2012/05/ ... book-stock
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/18/opini ... .html?_r=1
http://cfapodcast.smartpros.com/web/liv ... index.html
http://the-diplomat.com/2012/05/16/how- ... /?all=true
'The Golden Age of Silicon Valley Is Over, and We're Dancing on its Grave'
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... e/257401/#
http://www.washingtonpost.com/todays_pa ... paper.html

Mon Eve...
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-2 ... -pump.html
http://money.cnn.com//2012/05/21/market ... /index.htm
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-2 ... t-too.html
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-2 ... ation.html
http://jeffmatthewsisnotmakingthisup.bl ... un-to.html
Stay Tooned....
"In other words, JPMorgan Chase, entirely without any help from the government has lost, in this one set of transactions, five times the amount they claim financial regulation is costing them," Barney Frank said.
It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
-- Mom
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Listening to the King....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wGU3sIn ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbqtnNor ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8z8Jy6 ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPmM58jd ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=en ... BWID1ygQbo
One of the first exposures I had to re imported blues back inna day... Freddie King by way of London from the Mayall "Beano" Bluesbreakers LP...early/mid 60's. Bought it when I was in high school...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIHiEET3 ... ature=fvwp
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/12/busin ... mp;emc=rss
http://www.businessinsider.com/so-when- ... ion-2012-5
http://baselinescenario.com/2012/05/12/ ... h-to-fail/
http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/to ... 5541.story

http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/to ... 5576.story

Monday Eve
http://www.latimes.com/business/money/l ... 0867.story
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/14/opini ... n3KzqoqVpg
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... is-summer/

Jeff doin' his thing. Gotta love it. That said,
There is the economy and there are the markets. The markets rest on the economy and ultimately, the economy determines the markets. Kinda. After all the hysteria and emotionality plays out. It does. This Euro/China/US doom and destruction/moral malaise will work itself out. My job is to protect my hard earned capital until that time comes. If I avoid losses as much as possible, I can still have a dollar to put on the pass line come the financial Spring time. And that is a GOOD THING... Trust me.
Thurs Eve...

Stay tooned...
"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
-- William Arthur Ward
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
A different kind of music for a bright Spring day...

About the declining volume.... http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... each-year/

Ya can't follow the action widout a program!!! Getchur program HERE!!!!!
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... rt/256732/
Monday Eve... More by JB on the lack of volume...
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... -question/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... ankruptcy/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... ankruptcy/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/05/a- ... ess-world/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... travoltad/
http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2012 ... ntPage=all
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/05/ga ... he-reason/
http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/ ... story.html
http://oldprof.typepad.com/a_dash_of_in ... urope.html
An Aspect of Reality
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... t-harvard/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/05/th ... greenspan/
Stay tooned...
Beautiful Spring Saturday Morning And Some Guitar Music Outa The Past. But Then... As Long As I'm Listening To It Today On my Internet Device, Ain't It Current Music?
"Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting; that is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow -- that is patience."
-- Unknown
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7V5-O8Z ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJqk2yWU ... n&NR=1

Every pitcher tells a story, doughnut.....
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... ring-2012/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... chernobyl/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiCXb1Nh ... re=related
Nuclear Fires from a safe distance....
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/04/de ... test-hits/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/04/bi ... big-media/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/04/ie ... tax-dodge/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/05/wh ... ters-live/
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... -sake.html
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb ... 72509.html
http://pragcap.com/3-likely-triggers-of ... -recession
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/05/ge ... ur-crises/
80% bonds/cash and 20% equities inna 401... with more of an eye on keeping what I've made. If I leave possible gains onna table today or tomorrow, I'll still have the scratch to make 'em later during some upcoming tomorrow. If I do miss out on a downdraft in the near future, I won't have to waste time getting back to even....
Asset allocation and risk management with the realization that on all but the sunniest days, you still have to navigate SOME weather...... and I'm not comfortable looking out at the horizon....
Stay tooned.
Spring Has Landed In No. CA Like A Ton Of Hay Fever. Flowers And Pollen And 80+ Degree Temps + Bikes Onna Pacific Coast Highway.....Koooll!
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
-- John Kenneth Galbraith
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Sixty percent cash and bonds and 40% stock. I'm feelin' the risk and not the reward....
Monday Eve...
Closer to 70/30 Bonds & Cash To Stock

http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/04/se ... e-station/
Stay Tooned....
"Stubbornness is the strength of the weak."
-- Johann Kaspar Lavater
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Gotta Love A Band W/ Four Tuba Players. No, Not Tuba Playa's....
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/concerts/ ... tTrackID=3
Parta What Made The Bay Area So Great Back Inna Day Was Taj Hangin' Around Here And Doin' The 'Mos...Here's Just About Yesterday At The Beacon Inna Big Apple....
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/04/eu ... omy-guide/
http://oldprof.typepad.com/a_dash_of_in ... point.html
For there's a change in the weather, There's a change in the sea, So from now on there'll be a change in me. There's A Change Inna Market, There's A Change In Me, Gonna Try To Keep A Dollar, Just You Wait And See...
"It is not how right or how wrong you are that matters, but how much money you make when right and how much you do not lose when wrong." -- George Soros
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDOIL5Oq ... re=related

Stocks have hit the same levels three times in January, March, and April. And the news cycle sounds bad. Too much risk for no gains.

I'm reducing exposure to stocks by 50%. Mostly done... but still cutting back as restrictions allow.

The broad market does not correlate tightly with the funds in the 401 (less VIFSX), but it tells a less noisy story.
Stay tooned....
I Was Prolly Gonna Take The Whole Week Off of EVERYTHING If I Won the Lottery. I Didn't Win. But I Can Take The Week Off Writing The Blog, Anyway. So I Will...
Still WAY Long Stocks As Per www.joefacer.com. Off For The Week Or Not, If That Changes, I'll Post It here Anyway...
So It Goes....

http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... brokerage/
http://ivanhoff.com/2012/04/03/10-ways- ... -insanity/
WTF!!! http://www.cjr.org/the_audit/what_do_i_owe_you.php
First Things First. Or Not.... I Have Iron Clad Unbreakable Rules, First Among Which Is To Always Cut My Self Some Slack....
A stockbroker is someone who invests your money until it is all gone.
-- Woody Allen
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Sounded good back inna day. Still does. The live Record Plant broadcast were great... Play it LOUD.
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/concerts/ ... TrackID=10
The version of Doobie Wah does have a lotta more Doobie to it than the slower versions I'm more familiar with...
http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2 ... mail-shows
http://www.investmentnews.com/article/2 ... /120329958
http://oldprof.typepad.com/a_dash_of_in ... iming.html


http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/20/world ... wanted=all
http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/03/ho ... -2011.html

Damn good year in three months. TEMPTING to lock in profits...
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/26/busin ... wanted=all
People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it's served up.
--George R. R. Martin
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/grateful- ... 05800.html
Good Dead was good indeed. Bad Dead soured me on showing up to find out which band was playing that night....
gettin' old. might be time to get a cruiser...

http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/ ... hopper.htm

http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/13/arti ... Brink.aspx
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... w-numbers/
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/17/your- ... wanted=all
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/0 ... nter/all/1
http://www.bostonreview.net/BR37.2/jona ... ticism.php
http://www.spiegel.de/international/eur ... 04,00.html
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/03/ri ... ker-sound/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... o-the-day/
http://pragcap.com/goldman-sachs-3-reas ... ill-coming
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/fina ... tugal.html
http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2012/03 ... rty-alert/
http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ ... story.html
http://oldprof.typepad.com/a_dash_of_in ... afety.html
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... f-version/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-2 ... osure.html
http://alephblog.com/2012/03/22/misunde ... ax-debate/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... ieticians/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... ieticians/
Listen To The Market, Not The Noise That Surrounds It.
-- Robert Lang
Chartz And Table Zup.... @ www.joefacer.com

Aulde Skooole Musick....
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/the-nevil ... 20208video
http://uk.mobile.reuters.com/article/id ... 8?irpc=932
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/09/busin ... wanted=all
http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2012/03/ ... grams.html
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/ ... H520120308
I've been listening to Dan Fitzpatrick on charts for a while. He deals in stocks, the 401 deals in mutual funds. But chartz are charts... I'm confident that some of the money I make I owe to listening to him.

"The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money."
— Alexis de Tocqueville
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... A8na2z4Sq8
Way Too Tahred..... Telecaster/Les Paul
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=en ... dxLxm5oJGo
The Man Behind The Sound. Flying V
Bloomfield And Miles... A Les Paul Played Like A Telecaster.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw2fqDcL ... re=related
Even More...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsheJaZN ... re=related
Even More More...
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/wp-con ... soline.gif
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/28/busin ... wanted=all
http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/e ... shima.html
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... er/253792/
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... 5z0rQRdsiE

http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/03/bi ... mic-index/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/03/vi ... ck-market/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/03/3- ... ing-signs/
http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2012/03/ ... re_twitter
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/04/busin ... mc=dlbka35
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... the-poors/
http://www.economist.com/node/21548487? ... helongview
http://www.thecrosshairstrader.com/2012 ... ck-market/
Stay tooned...
Hmm.. .Blogs; A Total Waste of Time? A Source Of Dangerous Mis Information?, Self Centered Self Gratification? A Dangerous Crowding Out Of Real Content? The Descent Of Erudite Intellectual Activity Into the Cacophony Of The Uneducated Masses? The Dilution Of Expertise And Knowledge?..... Pretty Much.
“Congress, 535 commoditized temple monkeys pawing through the ruins of America in search of bribes. The bicameral whorehouse on Capitol Hill works like a vending machine. You put coins in the slot, select your law, and the desired legislation slides out.”
-- Fred Reed
Chartz and Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Down an' Dirty... Bad Boys Of Boston...
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/j-geils-b ... 37150.html
Never Slow Down... It Stops Being Too Much Fun.
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... perp-walk/
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/23/opini ... .html?_r=1
http://rick.bookstaber.com/2012/02/foxc ... alist.html
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/ ... 02/GMO.pdf
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/02/on ... more-76341
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/02/su ... nts-22412/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/02/ri ... ding-risk/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-2 ... risis.html
http://humblestudentofthemarkets.blogsp ... -plan.html
http://brucekrasting.blogspot.com/2012/ ... nanke.html

Stayin' wit da trend...ready to bail.
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/02/fa ... ts-follow/
http://nymag.com/print/?/news/features/ ... nn-2012-3/
http://www.spiegel.de/international/bus ... 71,00.html
Stay tooned...
Your Life Is A One Act Play And You Are The Author. I'm Writing My Life As An Adventure and A Light Hearted Comedy. What Choo You Doin' Wit' Your Lifes?
It has always been my view that Technical Analysis is an art, and like art, there are a lot of really bad examples of it out there.
--Rev Shark
Chartz and Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7r8uxe_ ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68FP359S ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4v3PfqEv ... re=related
I GOT to start listening to something beside my Wolfgang's Vault downloads.....
So as of Nov 2011, I was 25% in bonds and 75% in stocks in my 401. I was a mile out there in the face of darkness and despair, listening to Jeff Miller of "A Dash Of Insight". Jeff was saying, "Pay Attention to the data..." "Pay attention to what should happen..." "Government works THIS way..." "Don't extrapolate your fears...".
I decided that there was a significant chance that this data driven assessment was a correct assessment and with a rigorous money management, I could make some money at relatively minimal risk.
Today, I'm down to 13% bonds and 87% stocks. Much of the change is because while bonds haven't gone down much, stocks have gone up a lot. It worked out right for me and it was self reinforcing. I set my allocation strongly in the aggressive direction. I was prepared to admit I was wrong, reverse my strategy, and sell out of the position if it went against me. I was also prepared to accept my stock/bond allocation automatically shifting in the right direction from an already aggressive position as good things happened.
It is said that there is an optimum proportion for a portfolio based on this and that and that you should re balance your portfolio every so often based on this and that so that you get it right back where it is supposed to be. It is also said to "Buy 'em when they're cryin' and sell 'em when they're yellin'".
I lean toward the latter. I'm just a poor ol' pipefitter with one client and one family to answer to, unencumbered by too many expectations and too much conventional knowledge. I just know that stocks and bonds go up and down, and if you work hard enough to have more of what is going up and less of what is going down, and that if you lean harder on not doing anything stoopid than on being too smart, you make money. Kinda what a self directed plan is all about.
I don't spend any time on looking for the one good decision/fund that will be the only thing I'll ever have to do, or the way to avoid having to deal with an ever changing and complicated world. That would be a waste of time.

Still running uphill to the right from downhill to the left; still worth more than it used to be a short time ago. Ride this Slow Train until it turns around........ And It Will.
Fuckin "A" Tweetie Bird!!!!
http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012 ... licans.php
Stay tooned.
"No one that ever lived has ever had enough power, prestige, or knowledge to overcome the basic condition of all life -- you win some and you lose some."
-- Ken Keyes, Jr.
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL80jFkL ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3aY3xbo ... re=related
Play a gazllion concerts and stuff keeps coming outa the walls fifteen years after you're gone. Miss ya, Rory.
Greece is going down in flames and taking the world's economy down with it. Or the long slow twisting in the wind and the story being headlines for a year has allowed everyone exposed to the story to cover their ass enough to get by. I'm going into the week long betting on the second scenario. I may duck and cover latter in the week/month.... but I think the markets are telling us that there will be more of a squall that a hurricane. We'll see...
Stay tooned....
"There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring."
Ernest Hemingway
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
To Choogle, Or Not To Choogle....That Is The Question...
They stopped by the radio station with the acetate off the metal master only hours old and the DJ spun the first two tracks, which were pretty good. Then he looked at the band and said, "The next one is pretty long... The band said,"Play it! It's a GOOD one." He dropped the needle on "Suzie Q". In those days I always had the reel to reel lit and ready to go whenever the radio was on because shit like this happened all the time. I had half of the first Creedence LP months before anyone else.
Smoking Year So Far...Made The Most Of It Too.
This is the way I see the world. It saved me money and made me money. Bonds last summer and stocks this winter.
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2011/0 ... ical-rant/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... both-ways/

Something is goin' on. The chartz been sayin' so since October. The market has had every opportunity to go south since New Year, and it hasn't. It may be that US structural employment issues to the side, Europe has been in the news long enough for the long and painful and grudging solution to it has been discounted. And that the threatening flameout of China, inevitable or not, is still out on the horizon and still out there somewhere in the future. And that US corporations are as lean as they can get and will have to hire to keep the stellar profits that they have been making, or lose out to someone who will.
If the above is all true, as of the end of Monday, I'll be at 85% stocks and 15% bonds in the 401 and lookin' good. But, if I'm badly mistaken and Greece goes down in flames with Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and plunges all of Europe into depression, taking down a huge chunk of China's export business with it, and US corporations start firing instead of hiring,well, I will be way too long stocks at the end of Monday.
Nothing that wholesale selling won't fix. I've had a good run since October and I'll move quickly to protect it.
http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/rap ... -1.1015716

http://oldprof.typepad.com/a_dash_of_in ... ather.html
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/02/ta ... -nfp-data/

Post October, What's Not To Like? Aside from the 50% correction of the October move in November.... Kinda expect to see another pullback soon. Maybe a big one. If so, I hafta think about getting flat. 1080 to 1350 is a 'ways. Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered. But I'll react to what the market tells me. If the market consolidates on rotation or sideways action, I'll stay put.
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... -together/
Monday Eve...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/ ... print.html
http://www.roadracingworld.com/news/art ... icle=47190
Lemme Go See If It's Where I Parked It....And, Second Place Is First Loser.
Tues Eve

Stocks Holding...Bonds Rolling Over...Stayin' Put.
You Ahl Stay Tooned...Ya Here?
Hey!!! Us Northern Californians Would Be Happy To Take Some Of That Rain From Those With Too Much. A Coupla Years Of Brown Hills And Lawns Inna Spring And Yellow Water Inna Toilets All Year 'Round Inna 70's Was Enuff, Thank You.
"The art of investment is the art of selling. Buying is a lesser skill and holding requires no skill at all."
-- Harry Schultz
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Dougie Sahm; Long Live Garage Bands And The Razor Sharp Sound Of A Farfisa Or A Vox Continental.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-AWLocy ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY0fesM4 ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QCe1O6R ... re=related

I'm up 28% over all of last year's gains... in the first month of this year. It's a balance of cashing in on the rips and buying the dips vs letting it ride and not making your move too soon. The buying is one part. Selling is the other. Let's see how this year works out.
My original 60/40 from last year is now 76/23 as stocks have gone up. That is way rich for a bear market, which I believe that we are in and will stay in for a while yet. But every hurricane has its eye and ya can't pile water up at one end of the bathtub and expect it to stay there. I'm working with what the markets are offering.

http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... ort-story/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... on-abates/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... llwethers/
Risk on and risk off. Correlation and widespread investor fear is why I'm bipolar in outlook managing my 401. No matter how good the fund manager may be or where the fund may invest, panic in and panic out overwhelms everything. So that is the overwhelming dynamic and I'm hanging tough despite the surges in and out. The trend is up...pretty much and for now. But I'm STILL stickin' near the door.
http://dealbook.nytimes.com/2012/01/26/ ... e-thrived/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... mployment/
The original 99% movement...Occupy Washington
Patton and MacArthur and tanks vs US citizens in the streets
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2012/01/th ... -movement/
General Butler invoked the 99% movement, telling the veterans:
We are divided, in America, into two classes: The Tories on one side, a class of citizens who were raised to believe that the whole of this country was created for their sole benefit, and on the other side, the other 99 per cent of us, the soldier class, the class from which all of you soldiers came. That class hasn’t any privileges except to die when the Tories tell them. Every war that we have ever had was gotten, up by that class. They do all the beating of the drums. Away the rest of us go. When we leave, you know what happens. We march down the street with all the Sears-Roebuck soldiers standing on the sidewalk, all the dollar-a-year men with spurs, all the patriots who call themselves patriots, square-legged women in uniforms making Liberty Loan speeches. They promise you. You go down the street and they ring all the church bells. Promise you the sun, the moon, the stars and the earth,–anything to save them. Off you go. Then the looting commences while you are doing the fighting. This last war made over 6,000 millionaires. Today those fellows won’t help pay the bill.
Where do you fit?
http://www.americablog.com/2011/01/us-i ... ition.html
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/ ... 2920120127
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46205510/ns ... yiNh8VSQig
Stay Tooned...
Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?
-- Groucho Marx
Chartz And Table Zup... @ www.joefacer.com
Ich Bin Ein Krome Dinette...
-- Francesco Zapparelli
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUEl3WcK ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYzfrcgR ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2u55U1a ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgXrhvf_ ... re=related

Awesome week in the face of all that is darkness and despair. Now what?
Sunday Eve...
71% / 29% Stocks vs Bonds in the 401. STILL leaning toward the door, ready to go to cash, still earning money. As Cramer Says, "They don't put an asterisks next to your number." I'm nervous about everything but the price, and ready to bail if it actually starts to look bad...

The FED gooses the market....Steady as she goes... Still leaning toward the door.......
Stay Tooned....
“I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.”
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
It's been a few years since I dug through the fusion section and anything vinyl with Al Di Meola on it is amazing with a very good MC cartridge.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3sT5Ucy ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YShQZUM ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGWfDkx4 ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGHcoeoh ... re=related
This explains my world view;
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/wp-con ... n-fran.png
I can see the Outer Outer Sunset from my front door....
Situation unchanged inna 401a. I may change everything big time next week... Check it out
http://www.johnmauldin.com/frontlinetho ... -of-europe
New Monday Eve
http://www.johnmauldin.com/outsidethebo ... d-outlook1

http://msnbc.msn.com/id/45997416/displa ... ginSlide=1
Book yer crooze inna next few weeks. prices prolly gonna be real reasonable....

The 401 is a "self directed" plan in which the participant applies a strategy and tactics to secure his retirement. Hope is not a strategy and "deer in the headlights" is a piss poor tactic.
Wed Eve...
http://interloping.com/2012/01/18/finan ... ses-point/

Thursday, moved a little money from bonds to stocks. Movin' a little more tomorrow. Stocks are goin' up. Volume, sentiment, news, technicals and fundamentals don't inspire confidence. The only thing I like is the price action.. Still turned toward the door, leaning, with the weight onna back foot. I'm making money inna 401, but even more concerned wit not losing it. Check out this weekends chartz and tablez.
Stay Tooned...
Many conveniently cite a book that they have not read, covering data that they have not reviewed, employing methodology that they do not understand, and reaching a conclusion that is not shared by many peers. This happens because the conclusions support a viewpoint that they already hold -- quite fervently. As a result, people are willing to bet real money.
-- Jeff Miller
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
I just found a new one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1SZfGgZ ... re=related
This stuff comes outa the woodwork. Gawd, to go back to '66-'71 and relive those years with a video camera and DVD audio...
And, just like that, a Rory Gallagher video recording of excellent quality from a superb performance I hadn't seen surfaces and disappears. Oh Well. Here's one I, at least never tire of....
http://oldprof.typepad.com/a_dash_of_in ... eview.html

http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/to ... 3054.story

No Change Inna 401...
We still have holiday/1st of the new year sentiment and momentum. I'm up close to last year's high water mark and everything is OK. At least at this very second and at this exact location. I'm concerned , watchful, and less than fully invested and leaning toward the door...
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... -the-euro/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2012/0 ... good-luck/
http://www.crossingwallstreet.com/archi ... -view.html
The Crossing Wall Street link is from an avowed "Buy And Holder". He's right, as is Rev "Saving Souls From Buy And Hold" Shark.
The key is capital preservation and risk management. So far, pretty damn good.
http://kiddynamitesworld.com/gingrich-s ... tball-fail
http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/c ... match-game

Time and price in the charts say that the bulls/dip buyers are in a place to strike fear into the hearts of portfolio managers over trailing the indexes right off the first few weeks of the year.
Fundamentally, I don't buy it. But standing in front of moving trains is a poor practice, regardless of whether or not they should be there in the first place.
Tues Eve

I'm on that moving train.... Caution is the watchword....
Stay Tooned....
"Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries."
-- James A. Michener
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Bonamassa. 'nuff said.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRxqYoZi ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46UFXQVS ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0lIZHsp ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=en ... vqFY2eM6jA
http://bottomline.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2 ... until-2021
http://www.smartmoney.com/small-busines ... 801218019/

This is one the regular weekly posts on my website... That this is for the end of the year makes this one noteworthy....

This is the first table above reordered. The first table above is ordered to make data entry easier/match with previous versions/my mind set. This one is ordered by ranking the individual 401 investment funds from most lost over the year to most gained. There is info here.
Cycles, ya know? Lookit the chart below.

This is a fund I've had available in the 401 since late '04. Cycles. When the winds and currents are working for you, even in as treacherous and potentially gawdawful a place as the North Atlantic, you put everything that floats in the water to make what you can when you can. When winter comes, the currents go against you and the wind goes every which way, you take what you've made during the spring and summer and hole up someplace inland that's warm and dry and stay there doing stuff that makes sense until something changes. Look at the chart. You can see multiyear cycles as well as short term cycles. The time to pay attention to both the long term and short term cycles came this year.
So..... What I did this year was go big into stocks when the weather looked OK, like for the first three months. We are in a short term bull market off the financial crisis lows of 2009 and the recent trend is up. But I never got out of sight of the shore. We are in a long term multi-decade bear market. The major trend is down. When things got dark, I went to bonds and stayed there. When the weather looked like it was lightening up, end of the year, I went back to stocks but only part way, again with one eye on the sky and one eye on the shore. This was a short term play as written about over the last few weeks.
Over the course of the year, I exposed myself to the upside and down side and made some and lost some. I was rigorous about cutting losses; the flip side to letting winners run. I gave back some from my high water mark, but ended up positive for the year and ahead of the default position.
Check out the table below.

If I'd picked the right one of the dozen investment funds available to the 401 and went all in at the beginning of the year, I'da made 1/2 of one percent more with much larger drawdowns, i.e. greater risk. The second best fund, I'da made 3/10s of one percent more. My account, managed by "timing the market" with available 401 investment funds (I prefer to think of it as "managed with capital preservation and risk management goals"), would have placed third out of 13, with very low exposure to risk for a good chunk of the year.
I've had better years. I've had worse years too. Not losing money can be really good. Making a handfulla Simoleans or a Drachma or two after the accounts are settled can be a major victory. Like here and now.
But it was a fair amount of work for not much return. Or was it? I have friends who've been in bonds since the crash. This year that worked really well for them. Last year and the year before, it didn't. The year before that, it was un-fucking-believable. Ya gotta view it in the context of your balance in the 401, the demands of life and family, and where you are in life, and what is going on around you. I just did the math and I'm down wid' it. I got some coin outa the 401 when three funds lost more than 10% and the very best fund made a return that looked like a old time passbook savings account.
Pretty cool, huh?
Feelin' Awright, Actually I'm Feeling Pretty Good Myself......
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Wk1zmb ... re=related
-- Not Traffic
I think I'll buy some Bonamassa CD/DVD's. I'm pretty sure I made enough to cover that anna piece a pizza anna beer.....
Good To Know
http://rightwingnews.com/election-2012/ ... -semitism/
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... veals.html
http://www.newyorker.com/talk/financial ... surowiecki
http://littlegreenfootballs.com/page/26 ... most_a_tot
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/fe ... ut-europe/
Re Ron Paul
Seventeen years and all of 4 bills made it to the floor and the one on selling a single piece of surplus government real estate passed. What a career.
"The unlikely elevation of a 76-year-old crank, with a few strange views and who has been rejected twice before as a presidential candidate, says a lot about the state of Republican politics."
-- Albert R. Hunt / Bloomberg
http://www.project-syndicate.org/commen ... 21/English
http://www.crossingwallstreet.com/archi ... -view.html
http://dealbreaker.com/2012/01/convicte ... -his-scam/

Stay tooned.....
(I was) At a Wall Street bar yesterday listening to a trader make an impassioned defense of Mr. Potter in "It's a Wonderful Life" and blaming the Bailey Building & Loan for the subprime crisis.
-- Kamal Khan
I was at a party last weekend and one of the guests, a 0.05 percenter (aka extremely wealthy), made an impassioned speech against food stamps. And I quote him directly: "I'm against food stamps." When pressed on his logic, he simply stated "I don't believe in them."
-- Mark Casa
Billham Cobley. No strong hand and an independence between keeping time and left right strokes.
Tony Williams. Ex Miles Davis and a demon to keep up with when he was hot...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGx9TPcE ... F84A70E0F9
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEC5KGS8 ... B5RVPF-RBn
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBwxnMPP ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ4wdqdP ... playnext=2
Tables And Chart Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://asada0.tumblr.com/post/115176030 ... -new-light

VERY Tough Year To Make Some Money. Don't Take Much To Lead The Pack.... But Who Starts The Year Saying,"I Sure Hope I Break Even, That'd Be Really Nice..."
Ohh Yeah......
At this time of year, the 401 mutual funds pay a capital gains and dividend for the year for tax purposes. This looks like a big drop in the NAV for the funds on the order of five or ten percent. The loss is regained in a day or two when the share count goes up. I usually call this out but I forgot. Merry Christmas All!!!!
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/na ... ue-marble/
http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2011 ... ty/100209/

http://www.healthcarefinancenews.com/ne ... name-drugs
http://www.slate.com/articles/business/ ... else_.html
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/qu ... evitation/
http://www.thereformedbroker.com/2011/1 ... ing-binge/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-2 ... lewis.html
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/01/magaz ... K1rDdRWbIw
What Happened To My Country?
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/wh ... y-country/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/ja ... chernobyl/
Stay Tooned....
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
-- Aldous Huxley
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
Dan o' Steel.... About that origin.....
http://www.wolfgangsvault.com/concerts/ ... 10102|6720

Hard work and not much to show for it....Better than the Balanced Pooled, way better than long stocks for the year, not nearly as good as bonds... long term performance is smokin'.
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/su ... -12162011/
http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-E ... neer-Video
http://bonddad.blogspot.com/2011/12/pee ... k-box.html
http://www.washingtonpost.com/todays_pa ... G&pg=6
http://www.theonion.com/articles/2011s- ... 1/?slide=1

Tuesday Eve....

I've been long since mid October. it's cost me some money along the way. It was never a bet on the economy or stocks or a brighter future. It was a bet on the self interest of Wall Street where the toughest trading of a lifetime has hammered a lot of managers flat. There are two weeks left to make the year and keep jobs and bonuses.
Trust in a man's instincts to take care of his own self interests, rather than in his better side. He probably doesn't have one.
It's a way's back to my high of the year, much less past that.... We'll see....
Stay Tooned
Saw Bonamassa Last Night.The Wife And I Were As Impressed W/ The Drummer As Joe. Mostly Elderly Crowd; Almost As Old As I Am... A Few Were Convinced That The Program Was Their's, Coulda Been Worse...
"No one that ever lived has ever had enough power, prestige, or knowledge to overcome the basic condition of all life -- you win some and you lose some."
-- Ken Keyes, Jr.
Chartz And Table Zup @ www.joefacer.com
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46UFXQVS ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRxqYoZi ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0APsJ9U ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHGEX8Aa ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opgUUbt- ... re=related
A lotta fun...

Ya Win Some, Ya Lose Sum. If I Can Hold near A 4% Return For The Year, I'll Declare It A Win. I'll Be Ahead Of All But Two Of The 401 Fund Choices With Less Risk Since I Was Outa Stocks A Good Part Of The Year...
Tick, tick, tick
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/ec ... or-market/
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-12-0 ... louts.html
Holy Shit!!!!!
http://newsandinsight.thomsonreuters.co ... n_scandal/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/ba ... n-dollars/
http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2011/12/th ... -ayn-rand/
Tues Eve...
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/arc ... ph/249878/
http://peterlbrandt.com/mf-global-for-d ... -congress/
http://www.newyorker.com/talk/financial ... z1gMRRM1ah
Starting to lean really hard toward going heavily to bonds...
Stay Tooned.
The Markets Disappointed Those Waiting for Year End Melt Up Into Giving Up... Then It Blind Sided Those Who Gave Up..... DAMN!!!!!!!!